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Persisten impunidad, corrupción y abusos en México, señala informe del Departamento de Estado - Proceso




La violencia ha vuelto a golpear a una institución judicial mexicana. La titular de la Unidad Especializada en Combate al Secuestro delEstado de Colima, Martha Esther Rodríguez Cerna, ha sido asesinada este miércoles a balazos por un comando de hombres armados. Así lo ha informado la propia Fiscalía en un comunicado. 
De acuerdo a las autoridades locales, la funcionaria fue atacada sobre las 9.20 de la mañana por varios sujetos cuando bajaba de un coche oficial. La gobernadora de Colima, Indira Vizcaíno, ha lamentado el fallecimiento de la mujer y ha asegurado que darán con los responsables del homicidio. “A su familia le expreso mi sincero y sentido pésame. 
Condeno este cobarde crimen, confío en que la FGE [Fiscalía General del Estado] realizará las investigaciones necesarias”, ha publicado Vizcaíno en su cuenta de Twitter.


CIUDAD JUÁREZ, CHIH.- Bombas molotov, armas punzocortantes, droga, dinero y aparatos electrónicos fueron encontrados en celdas del Centro de Reinserción Social número 3 en Ciudad Juárez.


Los artículos fueron localizados durante un cateo realizado esta semana por 500 elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública de Chihuahua con apoyo del Ejército, la Guardia Nacional, la Fiscalía General del Estado y un helicóptero que sobrevoló el penal.

Apenas el 1 de enero, un comando ingresó al penal para liberar a 30 reos. Durante la irrupción mató a 10 custodios y siete presos más murieron tras un ataque armado.


CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Aunque el Comité de Integridad Académica de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores de Aragón (FES) concluyó ayer que la tesis presentada en 1987 por la hoy Ministra Yasmín Esquivel, para titularse como Licenciada en Derecho, es una “copia sustancial” de la presentada un año antes, la UNAM se declaró impedida para revocar el título e informó que el caso será enviado a la SEP.

Así se despidió Denise Maerker de la conducción del noticiero estelar en Televisa

Antes de ceder la estafeta a Enrique Acevedo, la conductora recordó los momentos “más desafiantes” de su etapa al frente del noticiero “En Punto”Fiscales de EU exigen que se permita evidenciar la riqueza que acumuló García Luna después de 2012
La solicitud de los fiscales es en respuesta al argumento de la defensa legal de García Luna, que el lunes pasado al iniciar el juicio, pidió a Cogan prohibir la presentación de la riqueza y lujos que obtuvo su cliente después de que dejó su puesto como Secretario de Seguridad Pública de México.---------------------------

El senador Ricardo Monreal abrió ayer la puerta a la ruptura en el seno de Morena, después de culpar a la Jefa de Gobierno, Claudia Sheinbaum, de orquestar los ataques que en su contra dirigió la Gobernadora de Campeche, Layda Sansores.

Horas después de que Sansores asegurara que los Monreal tienen un total de 48 propiedades entre casas y ranchos, el coordinador de la bancada de Morena en el Senado aclaró que su margen de dignidad se agotaba, aunque afirmó que la ruptura “depende de ellos”.

“Cada vez más se agota el espacio de dignidad. En diciembre platicamos, si Dios nos permite la vida, porque no sabe uno, se están muriendo muchos por infarto”, repuso.

Más, AQUI.

High profile races in Arizona and Georgia are still too close to call on Wednesday—and votes continue to be counted in contests that will determine which party controls the House and Senate.

But, the results are already showing the limits of Donald Trump’s influence with voters. The race for Arizona governor has become surprisingly close, with Trump favorite Kari Lake in danger of losing to Democrat Katie Hobbs. That contest was meant to be a big win for conservative Republicans.

More, HERE.

EN VIVO Elecciones intermedias en EU 2022 minuto a minuto

No son sólo dos fiscalías estatales enfrentadas por la muerte de una mujer. No es sólo la disputa por si se trató de un feminicidio o una broncoaspiración por intoxicación alcohólica. Detrás del doloroso caso de Ariadna Fernanda, hay una pelea por el 2024, tanto por la jefatura de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México como por la Presidencia de la República.

¿Por qué Claudia Sheinbaum salió personalmente a atacar al fiscal de Morelos? Porque el fiscal es enemigo del gobernador Cuauhtémoc Blanco. Y Morena está tratando de seducir a Cuauhtémoc Blanco para que deje la gubernatura en unos meses y se dedique de lleno a hacer campaña en la capital del país con el objetivo de no cedérsela a la oposición, que parece enrachada en la Ciudad.

“El Cuau” ―como se le conoce― es sumamente popular en la Ciudad de México, leyenda del equipo de futbol capitalino América y orgullo de Tepito, el icónico barrio ubicado en la estratégica alcaldía de Cuauhtémoc, que el año pasado le ganó la oposición a Morena. 

Más, AQUI.

Matan a 9 en ataque a un bar de Apaseo el Alto, Guanajuato

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador aseguró una vez que concluya su mandato solicitará su pensión del ISSSTEpara irla llevando en sus gastos, porque –dijo- no tiene dinero.

AMLO ordena a García Vilchis presentar diario la sección "Quién es quién en las mentiras"

"Esta sección se va a convertir en información diaria porque está subiendo el número de mentiras y la desesperación de nuestros adversarios y se va a seguir incrementando la calumnia y las acusaciones sin fundamento", dijo el mandatario. La salud del presidente: un tema de seguridad nacional
La institución presidencial se convirtió en el eje político de la vida republicana y ha existido siempre una preocupación sobre cómo puede sustituirse –en caso de falta absoluta– a la persona que lo ejerza.

En México es Día de Muertos todos los días  

El perro de Zacatecas con la cabeza humana colgada en su boca es un símbolo de la degradación absoluta que obliga a cerrar los ojos.

El Mayo y El Chapo tendrán su Museo en Badiraguato  

Ni pinturas, esculturas u objetos antropológicos. En Badiraguato, el Ayuntamiento del morenista José Luis López Elenes prevé inaugurar en lo alto de la ciudad un museo que vanaglorie a personajes del narcotráfico que nacieron en esa zona serrana de Sinaloa.

¿Qué hace AMLO antes y después de la mañanera? Esto dicen los correos hackeados por Guacamaya  

La agenda se comparte vía correo con los elementos de la Sedena que están encargados de cuidar los movimientos del primer mandatario al interior de Palacio Nacional.  

Advierten académicos de la UNAM: Vano injerencismo de la 4T en sucesión de Graue  

A un año de que termine el rectorado de Enrique Graue en la UNAM las posibilidades de que López Obrador influya en el nombramiento de su sucesor son remotas.

La razón: entre la comunidad universitaria existe una fuerte “animadversión” contra el presidente debido a los ataques y descalificaciones.  

US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of “self defense” rather than a “weapon of mass destruction”. 

There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.  

More, HERE.  

Leonardo Octavio Vázquez Pérez está acusado de delincuencia organizada por sus vínculos con el cartel de Guerreros Unidos 

El expresidente mexicano Carlos Salinas de Gortari obtiene la nacionalidad española 

El exmandatario solicitó el pasaporte español a través del procedimiento que el Gobierno habilitó para sefardíes o sus descendientes.

Las redes sociales y el populismo han convertido las sedes parlamentarias mexicanas en un circo

La lógica del debate político ya no se sitúa en una polarización ideológica sino emocional y afectiva, donde gana el más estridente y faltón 

Pío López Obrador interpone amparo para evitar que se conozca investigación en su contra

Dos jueces federales se declararon incompetentes para conocer de la demanda de amparo que el hermano del presidente López Obrador interpuso contra la determinación del Inai en la que ordenó a la FGR publicar la carpeta de investigación en su contra.

El presidenteAndrés Manuel López Obrador“destapó” con una lista a 42 “precandidatos del bloque conservador a la Presidencia de la República en 2024”, y sumó al exgobernador de Tamaulipas,Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca.

En su conferencia mañanera de este jueves en Palacio Nacional, López Obrador mencionó a los “precandidatos del bloque conservador”, entre los que se encuentran legisladores, gobernadores, empresarios, periodistas, académicos, dirigentes de organizaciones, otros políticos y hasta el comedianteChumel Torres.

Más, AQUI.

Según el mandatario, entre los "candidatos" aparece el youtuber Chumel Torres, la exlegisladora del PRI, Beatriz Paredes, Agustín Carstens, extitular de Banxico, el empresario Claudio X. González, así como Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas, hijo del excandidato presidencial priista asesinado en 1994.

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El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador advirtió que el acuerdo de cooperación para combatir al crimen organizado en el estado que fue anunciado por el gobernador de Zacatecas, David Monreal (Morena) y el embajador de Estados Unidos en México, Ken Salazar, y en que podrían participar agencias estadounidenses como el FBI, la DEA, es ilegal y “no vale”. 



Amlo promised to take Mexico’s army off the streets – but he made it more powerful 

Soon after taking office, Andrés Manuel López Obrador created a new force, the national guard – and handed control of it over to the army 

Del Tren Maya a los simpatizantes “de apariencia extranjera”: el asedio constante de la Sedena a los zapatistas

Los correos filtrados de la Sedena han permitido saber que el EZLN es uno de los colectivos más asediados por la inteligencia militar ante su postura de rechazo a las grandes obras y programas del Gobierno


A petición de la FGR, un juez federal canceló 21 de las 83 órdenes de aprehensión que se habían girado contra servidores públicos -militares, 16 de ellos- por su presunta responsabilidad en la desaparición de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa. 

Esta extraña maniobra fue realizada por funcionarios de la Fiscalía ajenos al proceso judicial. Ni siquiera le avisaron a la Unidad Especial de Investigación y Litigio que lleva el caso. Entre los exonerados está quien fue comandante del 41 Batallón de Infantería y coordinador del programa Guerrero Seguro, coronel Rafael Hernández Nieto, así como el exfiscal guerrerense Iñaki Blanco Cabrera. 

Marginada de los procedimientos judiciales, la Unidad Especial de Investigación y Litigio para el Caso Ayotzinapa (UEILCA) fue pasada por alto por la fiscalía general de la República (FGR) y por un juez federal en la cancelación de órdenes de aprehensión por delincuencia organizada, desaparición forzada y contra la administración de la justicia giradas en contra de 21 servidores públicos, 16 de ellos miembros del Ejército Mexicano. 

Más, AQUÍ.

El Estado Mayor Presidencial vive, pero con otro nombre

Ofrecían militares armas a criminales

Los días en los que Marilyn Monroe comió, bebió y se enamoró en México 


Hace 60 años, la icónica actriz visitó varias ciudades mexicanas para irse de vacaciones, agilizar trámites de divorcio y para comprar los muebles de su casa. En su último viaje, tuvo un romance con un cineasta mexicano y brindó con el Indio Fernández mientras era vigilada por el FBI por codearse con comunistas 


Falta de combustible, motivo por el que cayó helicóptero de Marina en recaptura de Caro Quintero

La empresa fabricante de la aeronave tipo Black Hawk le notificó a la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR), tras haber revisado y analizado la caja negra del aparato en los Estados Unidos.

México se convirtió en 2021 en el país con mayor número de activistas ambientales asesinados, al sumar 54. Le siguieron de lejos Colombia, con 33, Brasil, con 26, y Filipinas, con 19.
Casi la mitad de los activistas asesinados en México eran indígenas. Los ataques por conflictos de la tierra y la minería estuvieron concentraron en Oaxaca y Sonora.
El país, alerta el reporte, se ha convertido en en uno de los lugares más peligrosos para los defensores ambientales y sumó 154 activistas asesinados en una década, 131 de ellos entre 2017 y 2021.
Global Witness es una organización internacional fundada en 1993 con sede en Londres dedicada a documentar los vínculos entre recursos naturales, conflictos y corrupción. Publica desde 2012 un informe anual sobre ataques contra activistas ambientales en el mundo.
El reporte difundido anoche, detalla el caso de José Santos Isaac Chávez, opositor a un proyecto minero en Jalisco asesinado en 2021.



Comando asesina a seis policías, entre ellos al director de la corporación municipal, en Calera

Los agentes se encontraban ejercitándose en una unidad deportiva, ubicada en la cabecera municipal, cuando un grupo de pistoleros irrumpió en el sitio y atacaron a balazos a los policías que se estaban desarmados, informó la Mesa Estatal de Construcción de Paz y Seguridad.
a verificador
Marcha a favor del aborto legal y seguro 28S, síguela aquí minuto a minuto

Este miércoles se lleva a cabo la marcha por el Día de Acción Global por el Acceso al Aborto Legal y Seguro

A petición de la FGR, un juez federal decidió eliminar 21 de las órdenes de aprehensión que se habían girado contra servidores públicos –militares, 16 de ellos– presuntamente responsables de la desaparición de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa en septiembre de 2014.
Entre los exonerados está quien fuera comandante del 41 Batallón de Infantería y coordinador del programa Guerrero Seguro, coronel Rafael Hernández Nieto, así como el exfiscal guerrerense Iñaki Blanco Cabrera.
Más, AQUI.



Vidulfo Rosales, abogado de los padres de los 43: Todo apunta "a la impunidad"

En entrevista, Vidulfo Rosales, abogado de los padres y madres de los 43 de Ayotzinapa, es enfático: a ocho años de la desaparición de los normalistas, el panorama “apunta hacia la impunidad”. Recuerda la promesa hecha por López Obrador, de aclarar el tema en su sexenio.

La Sedena "no acepta" que se le vincule con la desaparición de los normalistas

La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional no está dispuesta a que sus elementos sean vinculados con actividades del crimen organizado, por lo que blindó la defensa de los militares detenidos por el caso Ayotzinapa con abogados particulares que buscarán desligarlos de las acusaciones de desaparición

AMLO y Jorge Ramos, estos han sido sus "encontronazos" sobre cifras de violencia en México



Con el lanzamiento de artefactos explosivosde fabricación casera y piedras que hirieron a 11 elementos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana de la Ciudad de México (SSC) culminó el mitin organizado por los padres de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa frente a la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR), dirigida por Alejandro Gertz Manero.  

En una tarjeta informativa, la SSC precisó que se desplegaron efectivos de la Policía Metropolitana, con el fin de realizar el resguardo de las instalaciones y repliegue de personas, lo que generó la agresión.  

En consecuencia, 11 policías resultaron lesionados por esquirlas de petardos y con contusiones por golpes en diferentes partes del cuerpo, todos ellos fueron trasladados a un hospital para su valoración médica, donde se encuentran fuera de peligro.  

Más, AQUÍ.



Esta tarde, en el Senado de la República fue retirado el dictamen que propone ampliar hasta el 2028 la presencia de las Fuerzas Armadas en labores de seguridad pública, por lo que regresará a comisiones y de ser necesario, construir un nuevo proyecto. 



El Sindicato del Transporte y Cemento (STYC) suspendió desde el lunes el acarreo de material para el acceso vial al Aeropuerto Internacional Felipe Ángeles por la falta de pagos por parte de la empresa ICA Construcciones.  

Apenas en junio del año pasado, la firma recibió un contrato por 690 millones de pesos de Secretaría de Infraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes (SICT), responsable de la obra.  

Más, AQUÍ.  






Pelea FGR predios en Santa Fe con decreto ¡del Porfiriato!

El Paquete Económico 2023 es optimista sobre el crecimiento del PIB en medio de un ambiente global de desaceleración económica, por lo que existe el riesgo de que se recurra a mayor deuda para enfrentar los gastos previstos o realizar recortes presupuestales, advirtió el Centro de Investigación Económica y Presupuestaria (CIEP).

"La preocupación ahora es que el Paquete no incluye estos riesgos del ambiente y la incertidumbre e inestabilidad a nivel global", señaló en conferencia Alejandra Macías, directora ejecutiva del CIEP. José Luis Clavellina, director de investigación del Centro, criticó que se plantea que la economía del País crecerá 3.0 por ciento el próximo año, cuando todos los países muestran una desaceleración a nivel global y mayores tasas de interés.

Tampoco, añadió, se contemplan nuevos gravámenes ni alzas en los aplicados a productos como el tabaco.

Más, AQUÍ.


La megaobra del Tren Maya va… aunque sea "a la mala

En sus prisas por construir el tramo 5 Norte del Tren Maya, la Sedena invadió terrenos privados de Playa del Carmen. Lo hizo sin haber negociado su compra, sin acatar amparos existentes, sin aviso previo… “a la mala”.


El exalcalde José Luis Abarca es absuelto por la desaparición de los 43 de Ayotzinapa

Fuentes federales confirmaron que el juez Tercero de Distrito en Procesos Penales Federales de Tamaulipas, con sede en Matamoros, señaló que no existen evidencias de la plena responsabilidad del exedil en la desaparición de los estudiantes.






El capitán Crespo, el general Cienfuegos y Ayotzinapa

Anabel Hernández García (1971) es una periodista de investigación y escritora Mexicana .

Es considerada una de las mejores periodistas y novelistas de investigación en materia de narcotráfico en México.  



Normalistas atacan la 35 Zona Militar en Chilpancingo; padres de los 43 exigen justicia (Video) 

Los padres de los 43 normalistas desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa recordaron, en un mitin, la participación activa de militares en los hechos trágicos de Iguala, registrados el 26 y 27 de septiembre de 2014.





El Embajador de Estados Unidos en México,


Ken Salazar, sostuvo este miércoles que, después de recorrer el largo y ancho del país, lamentablemente la violencia e inseguridad permea en muchas de las 32 entidades.  

Más, AQUÍ.  


El 52% de los latinos votará por demócratas, pero ha aumentado apoyo a republicanos, revela encuesta nacional

El 52% de los latinos tiene pensado votar por candidatos demócratas, pero los republicanos han logrado avanzar entre esta población con 13 puntos porcentuales de apoyo adicional con respecto a las elecciones intermedias del 2018.


Trastocan Coyoacán caravanas de motos

Advierten vecinos que motociclistas toman las vialidades en las Madrugadas (VIDEO)


Caen autor intelectual y cómplice de triple homicidio en un despacho de la Roma  

Víctor Manuel "N", señalado como posible líder de una célula criminal, fue detenido en Pachuca, Hidalgo; mientras que uno de sus principales colaboradores fue aprehendido en la alcaldía Azcapotzalco, de la CDMX.  

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Crime in the United States has been recorded since its founding. Crime rates have varied over time, with a sharp rise after 1900 and reaching a broad bulging peak between the 1970s and early 1990s. After 1992, crime rates began to fall year by year and has since declined significantly.  

This trend lasted until 2015, where crime rates began to rise slightly. This reversed in 2018 and 2019, but violent crime increased significantly again in 2020. Despite the increase in violent crime, particularly murders, between 2020 and 2021, the quantity of overall crime is still far below the peak of crime seen in the United States during the late 1980s and early 1990s, as other crimes such as rape, property crime and robbery continued to decline. 

 The aggregate cost of crime in the United States remains high, with an estimated value of $4.9 trillion reported in 2021

More, HERE.

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Mexico’s citizens caught in crossfire as cartels launch attacks across the country

Mexico’s defense secretary deployed the national guard to reinforce a security operation to curb violence in Tijuana. 



Simulacro Nacional: así será en la CDMX 

Como cada año, el 19 de septiembre se llevará a cabo el simulacro de un sismo en el país, con el fin de que la población esté preparada, y la Ciudad de México dio a conocer cuáles serán las acciones que se aplicarán

Los cercos virtuales a través de las cámaras de videovigilancia en la Ciudad y el Estado de México han permitido identificar que los robos al transporte público se registran principalmente entre las primeras horas de la mañana y por las noches. 

Horarios en donde hay más aglomeración en las paradas de autobús, microbús, vagonetas y camiones, pues la gente sale para iniciar el recorrido hacia la escuela o el trabajo, lo que pone en mayor vulnerabilidad a los usuarios.




Del consultorio al escenario: el doctor Simi se vuelve una estrella ‘incógnita’ de los conciertos en México 

Nada dice más “te amo” que aventar el peluche de un doctor al rostro de tu artista favorito 



Canadian authorities are searching for two men in connection with a mass stabbing Sunday that left at least 10 dead and 15 injured across multiple crime scenes in Saskatchewan in central Canada

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Authorities have identified the two suspects as Damien Sanderson and Myles Sanderson, and are advising the public to take appropriate precautions. The pair are believed to be armed and dangerous and traveling in a black Nissan Rogue with a Saskatchewan license plate 119 MPI 

More, HERE.

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Interest in Mexico real estate surges with 60% increase in online searches

Among US citizens, it is still the destination of choice for second homes 

beach walk 


Mentiras, supuestos logros en seguridad en Cuarto Informe de AMLO: Causa Común 

La organización destacó que se registran 126 mil asesinatos desde el inicio de sexenio hasta julio del 2022


Monreal sitúa como presidente del Senado a Alejandro Armenta después de tres votaciones

Las divisiones de Morena se evidencian en la votación y la oposición regala 52 votos a Monreal como protesta

Cifras de la Cepal: Con AMLO, el PIB ha perdido 47 mil millones de dólares  


El excandidato a la dirigencia de Morena desata controversia en redes sociales y se vuelve tendencia  



Balacera en campo de futbol de Yecapixtla,: 4 muertos y más de 10 lesionados 

Una de las víctimas es el exalcalde, Refugio Amaro Luna José



Arremeten jueces contra Presidente  





Rancho Vargas: la muerta que sí es la muerta 


Paga depa de 70 mdp; gana $ 228 mil al mes 


Adquiere Enrique Vargas departamento de 70 mdp ¡en Miami!  

El diputado panista Enrique Vargas del Villar, quien aspira a ser candidato de la alianza opositora al Gobierno del Estado de México, es dueño de un departamento de 3.5 millones de dólares (unos 70 millones de pesos) en la torre Armani Casa Residences en Miami.  




Anaya enlista cinco ‘mentiras’ de AMLO  


I first arrived to Querétaro, Mexico, in 1990 from London, England. Though Querétaro is now one of the fastest-growing and modern cities in the country, at the time it was still a quite a small state capital. I initially worked in some other schools, but after a few yearsand on the recommendation of some friends, I applied for a job at the local American school, John. F. Kennedy, and was hired to teach Ecology and Geography in the high school section.

From the beginning, I could tell something was different about this place. While I’d found other private schools I taught at in the area to focus extensively on earnings and customer-satisfaction, JFK kept its focus squarely on the children: their learning and development were clearly the most important outcomes. 

My colleagues’ enthusiasm for building a strong school full of happy children was clear, and I was delighted to have been accepted as part of the team. At JFK, I found the perfect balance between the ability to use my creativity in the classroom and a well-balanced, structured curriculum.

While permitting teachers to “do their own thing” in the classroom always seems like a good idea and is quite popular, without a solid framework based on researched best practices, the enthusiasm and popularity of it doesn’t usually result in great academic improvement.  

More, HERE



Cecilia, de 25 años, junto con su madre, excava dentro de una finca de cultivos de maíz y mango en la localidad de Juan José Ríos, al norte de Sinaloa. Busca los cuerpos de sus dos hermanos desaparecidos. 


Ambas mujeres han rastreado en Sinaloa, Sonora, Michoacán, Baja California y Jalisco para tratar de encontrarlos. Así han sacado cientos de cuerpos con el colectivo Madres Buscadoras de Sonora. 

Escenas como esta se repiten con cada vez mayor frecuencia y en cada vez más sitios: grupos de familiares, con o sin apoyo oficial, recorren predios en busca de una pista, de un rastro de sus desaparecidos. 

Al 24 de agosto, sumaban 104 mil 783 los casos incluidos en el Registro Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y No localizadas, que contiene datos de 1964 a la fecha. De ellas, 34 mil 982 corresponden a este sexenio. 




Una fosa clandestina con los restos de al menos tres cuerpos fue hallada durante las obras de construcción del Tren Maya en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, dio a conocer Rubén Figueroa, defensor de los derechos humanos.


“Localizaron una fosa clandestina en la zona donde mi hermano fue desaparecido, con restos de al menos tres cuerpos, cuando trabajadores del Tren Maya hacían labores de limpieza, exijo a las autoridades investiguen de manera urgente la identidad de las víctimas”, escribió en su cuenta de Twitter el también director del Proyecto Puentes de Esperanza, que busca a migrantes desaparecidos. 



Contrasta homicidio en la frontera norte 

Viven realidades opuestas en materia de seguridad ciudades fronterizas de México y EU 

 Los habitantes de las principales ciudades fronterizas de México y Estados Unidos viven realidades opuestas en materia de seguridad, pues mientras al norte de la línea divisoria la incidencia más alta es de 11.5 homicidios por cada 100 mil habitantes, al sur supera los 100 casos en ciudades como Juárez y Tijuana. 

Una revisión a la situación de 22 de las ciudades hermanas de los dos países, con datos al año 2020, que es el registro más reciente en EU, revela que en ningún caso los habitantes mexicanos gozan de una mejor seguridad que sus vecinos estadounidenses. Los datos oficiales de homicidios en México se han mantenido en los mismos niveles hasta la fecha. 



Aseguran al CJNG vehículos con blindaje artesanal, en Michoacán


En el interior se encontraron 60 cartuchos para fusil, 5 cascos balísticos, 47 porta cargadores, 2 chalecos balísticos 


Fijan fianza y sale hija de Alcalde en Texas 

Yedishi Moriya Villaseñor, la hija del alcalde de Tacámbaro, Michoacán, el Morenista Artemio Moriya, fue liberada tras el pago de una fianza en el Juzgado del Condado de Webb.


La joven, de 28 años, fue detenida el lunes pasado al intentar cruzar el Puente Internacional Juárez Lincoln, en Laredo, con 248 mil dólares en efectivo y dos armas que no fueron reportadas a las autoridades migratorias. 

Más, AQUÍ.  


Jesús Murillo Karam, autor de la “verdad histórica”, se convirtió en el primer exfuncionario de alto nivel detenido por la agresión contra los normalistas de Ayotzinapa, derivado de las irregularidades con las cuales la entonces PGR, encabezada por él, integró la averiguación previa del caso Iguala.  

Más, AQUÍ.  



La carrera política de Jesús Murillo Karam (Real del Monte, Hidalgo, 1948), exprocurador General de la República y autor de la denominada “verdad histórica” en el caso Ayotzinapa, se inició en la década de 1970, en su estado natal, al amparo del exgobernador Jorge Rojo Lugo.  

Desde esa época y durante 15 años, la extinta Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS) siguió las actividades públicas y privadas del encargado de esclarecer la desaparición forzada de los 43 estudiantes de la Normal Rural Raúl Isidro Burgos.  

Las 73 fichas que elaboró sobre él este órgano de espionaje, entre 1970 y 1985, muestran no sólo sus orígenes políticos, sino además sus rasgos de su personalidad en el ejercicio del poder, además de integrar acusaciones de probable represión campesina y fraude electoral.  

Más, AQUÍ.  



El informe de la Comisión de la Verdad y el Acceso a la Justicia del Caso Ayotzinapa, dado a conocer el jueves 18 por el gobierno de López Obrador, revela que la “verdad histórica” de Murillo Karam fue “una acción concertada desde el aparato organizado del poder, en la que participaron en su implementación", además de Jesús Murillo Karam: por parte de la Policía Federal, el comisionado Omar García Harfuch –actual jefe de Seguridad Ciudadana de la Ciudad de México–; el entonces gobernador de Guerrero, Ángel Aguirre Rivero; dos almirantes y un comandante de zona militar, entre otros funcionarios y mandos de los tres niveles de gobierno.  

Más, AQUÍ.  



Entre las cuatro de la tarde y las ocho de la noche del viernes 12 se activaron los códigos de emergencia de las policías municipales, bomberos y agentes ministeriales.  

Se veían pasar sus camionetas con la sirena encendida y a gran velocidad por distintas zonas de Tijuana, Ensenada, Rosarito, Tecate y Mexicali  

Más, AQUÍ.



President Biden has tested positive for the coronavirus, the latest dramatic moment in a pandemic that has killed more than 1 million Americans and left few untouched, though he is experiencing “very mild symptoms,” the White House said Thursday.  

Biden, who at 79 is in a relatively high-risk group, experienced a runny nose, fatigue and a dry cough beginning Wednesday evening, according to White House physician Kevin O’Connor. 

Biden immediately canceled a planned trip to Pennsylvania on Thursday and will isolate at the White House until he tests negative.  

More, HERE  



Previo a su reunión de la semana pasada con Joe Biden, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador tuvo un desayuno con Kamala Harris a quien calificó como “amiga y vicepresidenta de primer orden”. 

Sin embargo, el cara a cara entre ambos funcionarios fue menos que idílico.  

El columnista Raymundo Riva Palacio señaló, citando como referencia un artículo de Héctor de Mauleón en El Universal, que la demócrata hizo una exigencia que López Obrador no se esperaba: la captura de Rafael Caro Quintero.  

El periodista explica en su columna Lo que costó el boicot a la cumbre que Harris informó a López Obrador sobre los trabajos más recientes de la DEA para encontrar a quien es señalado como el autor del asesinato del agente Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena.  

“Harris le dijo al presidente López Obrador durante el desayuno que tuvieron en la residencia oficial de la vicepresidencia, que la DEA había localizado a Caro Quintero en San Simón, en el municipio de Choix, en la punta de Sinaloa, colindante con Sonora y Chihuahua, producto de un trabajo realizado por un equipo especial de la agencia, operando desde San Diego”, apuntó.  

La vicepresidenta, según el relato de Riva Palacio, aclaró al presidente de México que esto se hizo sin violar la soberanía de nuestro país. 

De acuerdo con la información, Harris también subrayó a AMLO que le preocupaba “la resistencia” del Gobierno federal de arrestar a grandes capos del narcotráfico “que es una queja recurrente de Washington, acentuada por la liberación de uno de ellos, Ovidio Guzmán, hijo de Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, en Culiacán en 2019″.  

Más, AQUÍ.  



La iglesia ha sido acusada de ser omisa en sexenios anteriores ante la violencia en México, pero siempre se ha pronunciado por la paz, afirmó este viernes monseñor Ramón Castro Castro.  

“Fuimos acusados de ser hipócritas y de no haber levantado la voz en sexenios anteriores (...) 

Ahí están las pruebas de que nunca hemos sido omisos, hemos cumplido nuestro trabajo de pastores y suplicando que se tenga conciencia de lo que pasa y se solucione”, apuntó monseñor en entrevista con Radio Fórmula.

Esto ocurre luego de que la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (CEM) lanzara el jueves un video en que muestra diversos documentos, desde 1968 a la fecha, en los que la iglesia hace llamados a detener la violencia y lograr la paz, en respuesta a comentarios del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, quien acusó que los sacerdotes callaron anteriormente, tras las denuncias por el asesinato de dos padres jesuitas en Cerocahui, Chihuahua.  

Más, AQUI.  



El anuncio de que la FGR investiga a Enrique Peña Nieto por presunto lavado de dinero ocurrió unas semanas después de que el expresidente se reunió en Madrid con destacadas figuras del PRI mexiquense –como el exgobernador César Camacho Quiroz y el exsecretario Alfonso Navarrete Prida– para acordar cómo enfrentar las elecciones del año próximo en el Estado de México, último bastión del priismo y entidad clave para los comicios presidenciales de 2024.  

Se rompió “el pacto de no agresión” entre el gobierno de la 4T y Peña Nieto, pero “los amarres” que lo hicieron posible ya se habían debilitado, confía a Proceso una fuente del entorno del exmandatario.  

Más, AQUÍ.

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Los detalles de la acusación que dio a conocer Pablo Gómez están lejos de despejar las dudas sobre la fortuna de Peña Nieto. Por más escandalosos que parezcan, los 26 millones de pesos que éste recibió suenan irrisorios en comparación con la magnitud de los casos de corrupción con los está vinculado.  

Más, AQUÍ.  

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Impacta contracción en EU y menor consumo. Advierte el IMEF que País caiga en recesión en segundo semestre de 2023  

La economía mexicana cerrará el año con un débil crecimiento como efecto, entre otras cosas, de un menor consumo, fragilidad en el mercado laboral y un bajo crecimiento en Estados Unidos, anticipan analistas.  

Esto a pesar de que en el primer trimestre de este año, el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) tuvo un incremento de 1.8 por ciento a tasa anual, motivado, entre otras cosas, por un mayor consumo, según cifras del Inegi.  

A principios de este año, la previsión era que el PIB creciera 2.0 por ciento ante la expectativa de un mejor comportamiento del sector externo, principalmente porque se esperaba un crecimiento relativamente sólido en Estados Unidos, opinó Ricardo Aguilar, economista en jefe de Invex.  

“Pero los indicadores oportunos apuntan a una contracción en el segundo trimestre de este año en Estados Unidos y más allá de que sea recesión o no, le pegará de forma importante al sector manufacturero de México”, dijo.  

Más, AQUÍ.



En una nueva audiencia, abogados de víctimas de la Línea 12 del Metro denunciaron omisión de la Fiscalía General de Justicia (FGJ), debido a que no ha citado a declarar a la ex directora, Florencia Serranía, así como a representantes de las empresas ICA o Grupo Carso  

La capital de Baja California, Mexicali, que registró en días pasados la temperatura más alta a nivel nacional, ha tenido 57 casos de golpe de calor, deshidratación y quemaduras solares, así como seis defunciones, de acuerdo con información de la Secretaría de Salud de Baja California y el Servicio Médico Forense (Semefo).  

La primera muerte por calor fue de un hombre de alrededor de 60 años el pasado 23 de junio; el 11 de julio hubo dos más, un hombre de 19 años y otro de 55 años; el 12 de julio otro masculino murió por golpe de calor en el Hospital General, tenía alrededor de 35 años.  

Más, AQUÍ.  

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Se dice que la información es poder.

Qué tanto no le sabrá Gertz Manero a Andrés Manuel López Obrador que pese a todas las turbulencias que rondan la figura del Fiscal, el Presidente ha sido incapaz de destituirlo.

En otros países democráticos y con políticos éticos el señor ya hubiera puesto sobre el escritorio su renuncia.

Aquí, en cambio, bajo el escritorio, se tejen marañas de intereses.




100 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. That's more than the population of most countries



'No siempre estoy de acuerdo con AMLO, pero hay diálogo'

Ken Salazar (Alamosa, Colorado, 1955) no ha pasado desapercibido. En 267 días como Embajador de Washington ha visto más veces al Presidente de México en su despacho que algún funcionario del gabinete; se ha encontrado con más gobernadores que algún secretario de Estado; ha visto a más líderes políticos que algún funcionario de Gobernación



Ken Salazar: “Tenemos que quebrar las cadenas de criminalidad en la frontera





“Lo que pasa en el ejército se queda en el ejército”: el infierno de denunciar un abuso sexual en las Fuerzas Armadas de México



El Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) investiga formalmente si la Jefa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México está incurriendo en actos anticipados de campaña rumbo a la elección presidencial de 2024.



Mexican megachurch leader jailed in US for more than 16 years for child sexual abuse  



El cuerpo de Debanhi Escobar se exhumará el 30 de junio próximo



El exsenador panista aseguró que Nieto recibe recursos presuntamente irregulares de varias empresas.



Vivanco, exdirector de HRW: AMLO dejará un saldo "deplorable" en derechos humanos  

Para José Miguel Vivanco, exdirector de Human Rights Watch-Américas, el balance de este gobierno en derechos humanos es “muy pobre y profundamente decepcionante”. La situación, dice a Proceso,- “ha empeorado” con respecto a sexenios anteriores" .



Journalist finds evidence of narco-pact between Sinaloa Cartel and Morena party

Cartel mobilized its forces to elect Sinaloa governor in exchange for immunity, investigation finds





Reprocha EU inacción de AMLO en contra de cárteles  

Fracasa estrategia de ‘abrazos no balazos’ de AMLO

“A más de la mitad del sexenio de López Obrador, podría decirse que ha logrado pocos de sus objetivos anticorrupción y de justicia penal”, dice un informe del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, fechado el pasado 7 de mayo. 

“El presidente mexicano, elegido en 2018, ha abogado por políticas que se centren en las causas profundas del crimen, pero su gobierno no ha llevado operaciones antinarcóticos de manera constante…  

Después de tres años en el cargo, a partir de enero de 2022, López Obrador ha evitado acciones policiales a gran escala contra los cárteles y la cooperación entre Estados Unidos y México en materia de aplicación de la ley ha disminuido”, concluye el documento oficial.  

Más, AQUÍ.  



La guerra del pollo: la última amenaza del narco en México

Comerciantes de Chilpancingo dejan de vender carne, hartos de la violencia y el cobro de piso. Fuentes consultadas señalan un reacomodo criminal en la capital del Estado    



Imágenes de bloqueos, balaceras y habitantes resguardados en supermercados se producen a plena luz del día en el principal destino turístico de Chiapas. El enfrentamiento deja al menos un muerto.



Police were after a cartel leader when they were attacked in México state  



Fiscales de EU revelan que García Luna amenazó e intentó sobornar a periodistas y matar a testigos

Los fiscales federales a cargo del caso del exfuncionario mexicano, quien fuera amigo, asesor, confidente, mano derecha y arquitecto de la lucha militarizada contra el narcotráfico del expresidente Felipe Calderón, exponen que las evidencias sustentan los delitos que imputan al acusado.



Urge AMLO a EU revelar grabaciones de García Luna

El Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador pidió a la Fiscalía de Estados Unidos que se dé a conocer toda la información del caso de Genaro García Luna, ex Secretario de Seguridad encarcelado en ese país, incluidas unas "supuestas grabaciones" que tendrían.  



Amnistía Internacional pide a legisladores “no aprobar la reforma militarista” que propone AMLO



Regional Leaders Snub Summit of the Americas as Activists Hold ‘People’s Summit

In the lead up to the meeting, journalists and activists confronted figures such as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and OAS Secretary-General Luis Almagro.



Cinco polémicas de Sandra Cuevas: del “no me gustan los pobres” a los globos con billetes de 500 pesos  

Por sus decisiones políticas o algunos exabruptos, la alcaldesa de Cuauhtémoc suma un aluvión de críticas que van más allá de los casos judiciales que la rodean  



(CNN) -  Washington County Sheriff's Office is investigating a shooting with multiple victims at Columbia Machine in Smithsburg, Maryland, according to Lt. Joshua McCauley.  

Smithsburg is located around 75 miles west of Baltimore.  

Columbia Machine is a company that offers "complete equipment lines to customers in over 100 countries," according to their website.  

McCauley said the scene remains active but that there is no threat to the community.  

CNN has reached out to additional authorities for more information.   

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives office in Baltimore tweeted that special agents are assisting the sheriff's office with the incident.                              

Liozanys Comeja credits her survival to her teacup 


chihuahua, Mia. 

Originally from Venezuela, Comeja moved to Colombia five years ago, but decided to leave her new life behind this month due to the rising cost of living. 

She crossed the Darien Gap, a notorious stretch of jungle between Colombia and Panama, with Mia tucked in her backpack, eventually making her way across eight countries. Now, Comeja is hoping the dog will help her make it through the grueling final leg of their journey.  

Comeja has joined about 11,000 others who on Monday will leave Tapachula, a sweltering city on the Mexico-Guatemala border, and head north for the United States. It will depart as leaders from across the hemisphere gather in Los Angeles for the Summit of the Americas.

“Whenever I get discouraged, Mia calms me down,” Comeja said. When they arrive at the US border, Comeja plans to cross the Rio Grande on foot.  

This is not the first migrant caravan to leave Tapachula, but it may be the largest ever recorded in Mexico: its numbers are expected to swell in the coming days, and may reach 15,000 people – plus Mia the chihuahua. 

More, HERE.



Con el telón de fondo de la polémica ausencia de Andrés Manuel López Obrador a la Cumbre de las Américas, inaugurada este miércoles en Los Ángeles, la presión sobre el Gobierno mexicano ha ido en ascenso durante este semana desde distintos bandos de la política estadounidense.  

Por un lado, dos de los senadores republicanos más radicales, Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio, cargaron contra el presidente mexicano por criticar el veto de Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua en la cumbre, que a la postre provocó la ausencia también de López Obrador, sobre el que deslizaron además acusaciones de connivencia con el crimen organizado.  

A la vez, desde la flanco demócrata, 15 congresistas del partido del presidente Joe Biden enviaron el miércoles una carta al secretario de Estado, Antony Blinken, pidiendo más presión sobre el Gobierno mexicano por la falta de protección a los periodistas.  

Más, AQUÍ.



Miles de migrantes venezolanos, en su mayoría, y centroamericanos, se han organizado esta semana para caminar hacia el norte en una nueva caravana que ya no parte de Centroamérica, sino desde la capital de la frontera sur de México. 

Huir de Tapachula y la trampa del laberinto burocrático que los mantiene atrapados en una cárcel sin barrotes, a cielo abierto, donde sobrevivir sin trabajo en uno de los rincones más pobres del país y solo con el dinero que envían sus familiares se ha convertido en su pesadilla diaria.  

Alrededor de unas 4.500 personas, según el conteo de la prensa local, avanzan entre los pueblos de Chiapas en un momento clave: en el marco de la debatirán sobre su destino y el de otros miles. Esa masa de almas hambrientas y agotadas es, a la vez, el símbolo de una tragedia humanitaria, de una crisis diplomática internacional y un arma arrojadiza de los adversarios republicanos contra el Gobierno de Joe Biden Cumbre de las Américas, donde los líderes del continente.  

Más, AQUÍ.  




CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Agentes del Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México (AICM) acusaron a sus mandos de encabezar una red de corrupción para extorsionar migrantes. Según la denuncia, los mandos obligan a empleados a realizar cobros de hasta mil dólares para facilitar el tránsito de pasajeros indocumentados. 

A esa queja se añaden diversos reclamos de grupos académicos y de ONG sobre la retención ilegal, el pasado fin de semana, de participantes en la conferencia del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO 2022), que se realiza en la UNAM. 

Más, AQUÍ.



Así se burló Jimmy Kimmel de AMLO por no asistir a la Cumbre de las Américas (Video)

El comediante se refirió a la decisión del presidente de no acudir a la reunión continental que se lleva a cabo en Los Ángeles



CDMX.- La expansión de las organizaciones criminales en México ha dejado a doctores y otros trabajadores de la salud atrapados en la violencia, y ha creado una grave escasez de médicos en zonas donde los peligros son más pronunciados.  

En Tamaulipas, los médicos son secuestrados para atender a los criminales heridos en enfrentamientos. En Guerrero, grupos criminales cobran a las clínicas una extorsión mensual. Y en Zacatecas, paramédicos fueron asesinados por transportar a miembros de un cártel enemigo a un hospital. 

"Un doctor recién graduado tiene miedo de ejercer en áreas rurales", dijo a The New York Times el doctor José Luis Pérez Ávalos, director de la carrera de Medicina en la UAM, Unidad Xochimilco. 

En general, el País no tiene escasez de médicos. 

Hay 2.4 doctores por cada mil habitantes, según el Inegi. Eso es más que en la mayoría de los países en América Latina, y poco menos que en EU, que tiene 2.6 doctores por cada mil habitantes. 




Recrimina juez a Naason: ‘Eres depredador sexual’ 



Alito, traiciones y rupturas en los círculos del poder

La violencia política se desató en el formato de audioescándalos. Previo a las elecciones del 5 de junio desde el gobierno de Campeche se revelaron grabaciones que exhiben a Alejandro Moreno, y éste, a su vez, respondió con un audio con el que denunció haber sido amenazado por el gobierno federal.




Un grupo de fieles frustra una nueva matanza en una iglesia de California






Al menos cuatro personas fallecieron en un tiroteo, incluido el atacante, en un centro médico de Tulsa, informaron autoridades 

"Tenemos cuatro civiles que están muertos y tenemos un tirador que está muerto", dijo el vicedirector de la Policía de Tulsa Jonathan Brooks a los medios.  

Brooks especificó que las primeras investigaciones apuntan a que el agresor se disparó. 




“Oaxaca está de luto”: Al menos 11 muertos y 33 desaparecidos tras el paso del huracán ‘Agatha’ 

El fenómeno ha dejado un rastro de destrucción en ese Estado debido al desbordamiento de ríos y los deslaves tras días de intensas lluvias



At least four people were killed Wednesday in a shooting on a hospital campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, police said in a news conference Wednesday evening.

The gunman is also dead, police said. Authorities believe the shooter's gunshot wound was self-inflicted, Tulsa Police Department Deputy Chief Eric Dalgleish said in the news conference. 

Dispatchers received a call about an active shooter at the Natalie Medical Building, a physicians' office building on the St. Francis Hospital campus, at roughly 4:52 p.m. local time, Dalgleish said.  

More, HERE



Ahora Salinas Pliego le dice "Changoleón" a Noroña: "póngase a trabajar", le escribe en Twitter




El jefe de la bancada oficialista en el Senado y aspirante a la sucesión de López Obrador lamenta en entrevista con EL PAÍS las tensiones internas: “Hay favoritismo y eso genera fisuras”



Ernesto Zedillo, el padre del Horario de Verano en México 

El Horario de Verano entró en vigor en los primeros días de enero de 1996, al año de haber tomado posesión como presidente Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León y en medio de un país en crisis económica, política y social heredadas del sexenio salinista. La medida buscaba ahorrar energía eléctrica y aprovechar mejor la luz solar sin afectar las actividades socioeconómicas 



Alberto Fernández confirma por teléfono a Biden que asistirá a la Cumbre de las Américas

El presidente de Argentina había demorado su decisión en desacuerdo con la exclusión de Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua 



En el último año, el titular de la dependencia creó una constructora y una operadora turística, además transformó un despacho jurídico en una inmobiliaria



Alejandro Moreno lavó 12 mdp: Layda 



Guillermo del Toro se fue de México porque secuestraron a su padre en Guadalajara




El tráfico de drogas en México ha sido la actividad más importante del crimen organizado, favorecida por las tendencias económica y sociocultural. Desde la década de 1980 hasta fechas recientes, esta actividad ha sufrido modificaciones tanto conceptuales como contextuales.  

En este trabajo se analiza desde una perspectiva histórica y sociocultural qué factores influyen en el aumento de los niveles de violencia de las organizaciones criminales, las cuales han desarrollado medios predadores para acrecentar su control territorial y económico, y doblegar al poder político y policiaco.

A su vez, se busca dilucidar cómo el fenómeno criminal se ha transformado en el tiempo y el espacio, lo cual ha implicado el desarrollo de nuevas actividades delictivas desorganizadas 

Mas, AQUÍ. 






En Durango el tufo a corrupción envuelve a los candidatos



Layda Sansores revela nuevos audios de “Alito” y lo acusa de lavado de dinero



PAN sale en defensa de “Alito”; acusa al gobierno de AMLO de espiar y presionar a opositores 



“Alito” filtra audio sobre amenaza de AMLO para que el PRI vote por reforma eléctrica











El Gobierno de la morenista Claudia Sheinbaum demandó por la vía civil, y amagó hacerlo también penalmente, a la empresa noruega DNV, después de que presentó el informe final "Causa-Raíz" sobre el desplome de la Línea 12 del Metro, que dejó 26 muertos y más de 100 heridos



Línea 12: Un Año SIN CALMA



La Secretaria del Medio Ambiente, María Luisa Albores, reconoció que la obra del Tren Maya implicará la tala de 300 mil árboles.  

Sin embargo, aseguró que ese impacto se compensará con la siembra de 142 millones de árboles a lo largo de los mil 500 kilómetros de trazo.  

«Estamos hablando de más de 142 millones de árboles sembrados contra los 300 mil árboles que sólo van a ser en el Tramo 5 Sur y que han generado mucha polémica. Y estamos hablando en este caso de acahuales, en el caso del Tramo 5 Sur, y estamos hablando de 142 millones de árboles maderables, preciosos, de caoba y cedro», indicó en la conferencia matutina en Palacio Nacional.  

Más, AQUÍ.  



Después de una semana terrorífica en el país, con el caso de Debanhi en Nuevo León y lo que de él se desprendió, el domingo 24 abril cientos de mujeres marcharon en el centro de la Ciudad de México ante el aumento en las cifras de feminicidios, violaciones sexuales y en general, actos de violencia de género. Pidieron a gritos “justicia”.

El mismo día, domingo 24 de abril, la jefa de gobierno acompañó en un acto de campaña a Mara Lezama, candidata de Morena al gobierno de Quintana Roo. A su regreso se fue directo a la glorieta de la Palma en el Paseo de la Reforma, a supervisar su retiro, pues por falta de mantenimiento de su gobierno, la famosa palma se murió.

Al día de hoy, Claudia Sheinbaum no ha dedicado un solo tuit al respecto de la marcha. Esas son las prioridades de la hija pródiga del presidente, de la mujer más relevante de Morena: le importa más la muerte de una palmera que la de cien mujeres.

Es sólo un espejo de su mentor. Es Claudia Sheinbaum, otra vez, traicionando su historia y convicciones, volteando la cara a la sororidad para acatar la línea de Palacio y seguir al pie de la letra el guion que le dicta López Obrador: en la mañanera del 25 de abril, el presidente no le dedicó una sola mención al tema de los feminicidios. 

Ni un minuto de sus casi tres horas de mañanera. 

Al día siguiente, martes, en declarada reacción a un tuit de un servidor donde exhibí este profundo desprecio a las mujeres, finalmente habló del asunto unos instantes, se mostró complaciente con el fracaso de su gobierno en solucionar este problema, dio por cubierto el expediente y regresó al ataque y la calumnia contra mí.

Más, AQUÍ. 



Mientras el Embajador de Estados Unidos en México, Ken Salazar, tocaba la marimba y disfrutaba de un lechero en el Café La Parroquia, el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador recordó ante cadetes navales que ese país intentó invadir a México.  


«En el siglo 19, nos invadieron los estadounidenses, 1847, un gran zarpazo porque nos arrebataron más de la mitad de nuestro territorio, y la última invasión estadounidense fue precisamente lo que hoy recordamos, la del 21 de abril de 1914», dijo en la ceremonia por el 108 aniversario de la defensa del puerto de Veracruz y jura de bandera de cadetes de la Escuela Naval Militar.  

Más, AQUÍ.  


CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Mientras se buscaba a Debanhi Susana Escobar, localizada sin vida la tarde del jueves en Nuevo León, al menos 80 mujeres se reportaron como desaparecidas en todo el País.  

La joven de 18 años fue captada por última vez por una cámara de seguridad en el municipio de Escobedo, a las 4:50 horas del sábado 9 de abril, y las autoridades recuperaron su cuerpo sin vida el jueves 21, de una cisterna en terrenos del Motel Nueva Castilla, sobre la carretera a Laredo.  

En esos 13 días que duró la búsqueda de Debanhi, al menos 80 mujeres desaparecieron en 19 estados del País, siete de ellas en Nuevo León, de acuerdo con reportes en el Registro Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y No Localizadas.  

Más, AQUI 




A 12 días de su desaparición Debanhi fue hallada muerta en cisterna de motel en NL, en zona donde Fiscalía ya había cateado varias veces



Una estrategia contra las adicciones que opera a ciegas 

Pese a que López Obrador ha señalado la relación entre el consumo de drogas y los homicidios, el gobierno de la 4T decidió cancelar la Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco –que debió realizarse en 2022–, herramienta que permitiría tener el pulso de la drogadicción en México.  









Le tengo consideración y respeto al expresidente Peña porque no intervino en la elección: AMLO  

López Obrador aseguró que tiene información de que "los machuchones" buscaron a Peña Nieto para que se uniera en contra del tabasqueño durante la campaña de 2018, y no aceptó.



Dejar de usar el cubrebocas puede provocar el "síndrome de la cara vacía". Esto es lo que se sabe  

Tras dos años continuos de utilizar la mascarilla se ha desarrollado este curioso efecto secundario.



Balas de la Sedena en ejecuciones del crimen organizado  

En uno de cada cinco homicidios en México se ha descubierto el uso de cartuchos fabricados en el país que únicamente maneja la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, reveló el secretario de Seguridad Pública de Nuevo León, Aldo Fasci Zuazua.  



La construcción discursiva de López Obrador: El líder, el mártir, el salvador del pueblo…  

Graciela García Robín, experta en imagen y comunicación política, desmenuza la “construcción discursiva” que brinda popularidad al mandatario mexicano, la cual se refleja además en murales, estatuas, poemas, corridos, documentales…



Ratificación del poder disfrazada de consulta  

La consulta de revocación de mandato en realidad se trata de un plebiscito para que el presidente ratifique su poder, similar al que hicieron Evo Morales en Bolivia o Hugo Chávez en Venezuela, sostiene David Altman, especialista en democracia directa y participación ciudadana en América Latina.



AMLO, un “insider” del sistema priista con gen hegemónico: Fonseca  

Autor de "Amado líder" –libro en el que hace un repaso del populismo latinoamericano-- Diego Fonseca señala que AMLO s un “insider”, pues proviene del poder hegemónico del PRI que gobernó México más de siete décadas y ahora pretende sustituirlo por su propio esquema de poder centrado en él.



Los litigios que vienen con la reforma eléctrica  

Para Luis de la Calle, negociador del TLCAN en el sexenio salinista, la Ley de la Industria Eléctrica que no obtuvo los votos necesarios en la SCJN para ser declarada inconstitucional, inhibirá la inversión extranjera y reactivará los amparos suspendidos mientras se esperaba la resolución. 




Definir el litio como un mineral estratégico exclusivo del Estado violaría el Tratado Comercial con Estados Unidos y Canadá advirtió Kenneth Smith Ramos, ex jefe de la negociación técnica de México para el T-MEC.

Más, AQUI.



Elude la Semar licitar contratos; AMLO: por el litio no pondrán al país contra la pared



AMLO llama mentirosos a senadores de EU que lo acusan de usar la FGR con fines políticos 

El presidente señaló que es el falso que use la FGR para perseguir a sus opositores, pues se trata de una institución autónoma

Among Americans aged 12 years and older, 31.9 million are current illegal drug users (used within the last 30 days)







EU alerta a vacacionistas de Semana Santa por violencia en casi todo México

La Embajada de Estados Unidos en México limitó los viajes de sus funcionarios en amplias zonas y difundió un amplio mapa que sirve de alerta a los turistas en todo el mundo, señaló un reportaje de El País

Is it safe to travel to Mexico right now? 

The country may be the top destination for U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring, leaving travelers questioning whether Mexico is safe to visit. The stories are sobering. In January 2022, two tourists were killed in a shooting in Playa del Carmen, while a gay couple from Texas was found dismembered near Ciudad Juárez. 

In November 2021, four American travelers were hurt in an attack in Cancun when gunmen opened fire on the beach. The month before, a California travel blogger and a German tourist were killed in a shooting in Tulum. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There have also been murders of journalistsmurders of women and the list goes on.

No surprise, the U.S. State Department recently issued a chilling warning about travel to Mexico with a level 3 on a scale of 1 to 4, meaning “reconsider travel.” And some parts of Mexico where drug cartel violence is at its worst have long on a no-go list, with a level 4 no-go advisory. “Violent crime—such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking and robbery—is widespread and common in Mexico,” warns the State Department.

Then there’s Covid-19, which is still problematic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Mexico, indicating a high level of Covid in the country. And yet, despite the pandemic, Mexico’s homicide levels have remained historically high, at 27.8 deaths per 100,000 people. 

More, HERE



Exponen los abusos de Gertz Manero al secretario de Seguridad Nacional de EU 

Alonso Castillo Cuevas reveló a Proceso que se reunió con el secretario de Seguridad Nacional de EU, Alejandro Mayorkas, para exponerle los abusos cometidos por el fiscal Alejandro Gertz Manero contra Alejandra Cuevas y Laura Morán.



Ataque armado en carretera de Fresnillo deja tres mujeres muertas y siete heridos 

Reportes oficiales indican que habrían muerto dos menores de edad y una mujer adulta; reportan que los hechos ocurrieron aproximadamente a las 15:30 horas de este miércoles 



Video. Conductor atropella de reversa a mujer de la tercera edad e intenta darse a la fuga 

El hecho ocurrió en la alcaldía Coyoacán y fue captado por cámaras de vigilancia de la zona 



Muere niña de 2 años tras sufrir descarga eléctrica en Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz 

De acuerdo con fuentes policiales, la menor recibió descarga eléctrica en uno de los campers donde su familia dormía 



¡Presidente, presidente! le gritaban en coro a Adán Augusto 


El secretario de Gobernación, Adán Augusto López, viajó una estación en Metro para escapar de la prensa y los cuestionamientos sobre sus recientes polémicas


Violence continues to rage in Mexico more than a decade after former President Felipe Calderon launched a crackdown on drug cartels.




Unas semanas antes de que terminara el gobierno de Felipe Calderón, la familia de Genaro García Luna se mudó a una lujosa residencia en Miami, de tres millones de dólares. 

El casero era una compañía de Panamá. 

La administraba la familia de Alexis Weinberg, un empresario que tenía negocios multimillonarios con el gobierno mexicano. Firmaron un contrato de renta que nunca se registró en el sistema de bienes raíces local. 







Instituciones se coordinaron para ocultar la verdad 

Ese cúmulo de información analizada fue posible sólo por la intervención directa del presidente, pese a la existencia de un decreto presidencial que ordenaba la entrega a la Comisión de la Verdad y Acceso a la Justicia en el caso Ayotzinapa



Operaciones especiales: sembrar evidencia, desaparecer personas 



Los beneficiados por la 'verdad histórica' de Peña Nieto



Revocación de mandato: Gobernadores morenistas reciclan mañas del viejo régimen 

Denuncias por acarreo o utilización del padrón de programas de Bienestar, participación de operadores y funcionarios allegados a los gobernadores, alianzas con otros partidos con miras a apuntalar sucesiones en próximos comicios lo mismo que abiertas rupturas o franca indiferencia en algunos estados



Diputados denuncian ante el INE a Eugenio Derbez, Natalia Lafourcade y Latinus por incumplir la veda  

"Es una campaña difamatoria promovida por algunos artistas, pretende incidir de manera directa en el proceso de ratificación de mandato del 10 de abril", dijo el legislador Alejandro Carbajal sobre #SélvameDelTren



Subsidio a gasolinas: Un dudoso beneficio con tufo electoral  

Analistas del sector económico advierten que la estrategia federal para contener el alza en los precios de las gasolinas causará un impacto negativo para las finanzas del país, “sacrificando recursos que pudieron haberse invertido en programas sociales u otros proyectos”  



Seis cabezas fueron halladas sobre un vehículo en Chilapa, Guerrero  

Dentro del coche estaban los cuerpos desmembrados, frente a una lona que advierte que no permitirán la venta de drogas, ni secuestros  



Padres de los 43 normalistas reprochan acusaciones de AMLO


¿Por qué decidió meter a una mujer inocente a la cárcel?”, cuestionan a Godoy 

Alonso Castillo, hijo de Alejandra Cuevas, sostiene que después de la liberación de su madre, la fiscalía y su titular deben aclarar la razón por la que fincaron "un delito inexistente". 



En lo que va del gobierno del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador al menos 58 personas defensoras ambientales han sido asesinadas



Publica AMLO sentencia para evitar aprehensión

Después de la liberación de su mamá, Alejandra Cuevas Morán, quien estuvo presa 528 días, y la cancelación de la orden de aprehensión contra su abuela de 95 años, Laura Morán Servín, las autoridades capitalinas no pueden salir con “usted disculpe”, advirtió Alonso Castillo. 

Más, AQUÍ. 






Global Research - Mexico is in the grip of a murderous drug war that has killed over 150,000 people since 2006. It is one of the most violent countries on earth. This drug war is a product of the transnational drug trade which is worth up to $400 billion a year and accounts for about 8% of all international trade.  

The American government maintains that there is no alternative but to vigorously prosecute their zero tolerance policy of arresting drug users and their dealers. This has led to the incarceration of over 500,000 Americans.  

Meanwhile the flood of illegal drugs into America continues unabated. One thing the American government has not done is to prosecute the largest banks in the world for supporting the drug cartels by washing billions of dollars of their blood stained money. As Narco sphere journalist Bill Conroy has observed banks are ”where the money is” in the global drug war.  

HSBC, Western Union, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase&Co, Citigroup, Wachovia amongst many others have allegedly failed to comply with American anti-money laundering (AML) laws. The Mexican drug cartels have caught the headlines again and again due to their murderous activities.  

The war between the different drug cartels and the war between the cartels and government security forces has spilled the blood of tens of thousands of innocent people. The drug cartels would find it much harder to profit from their murderous activity if they didn’t have too big to fail banks willing to wash their dirty money. 

More, HERE. 

CNN - Jim Jordan helped plot the coup. Now he's in line to be one of the most powerful members of Congress.  


Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large 

CNN - Records fall and borders close as world races to get control of Omicron 


By Rob Picheta, CNN


CNN - Fauci weighs in on risk of indoor holiday gatherings

Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks to CNN's Wolf Blitzer on whether is it safe to gather indoors and to travel this holiday season.



Cancer strategy
CNN - Appeals court rejects Trump's bid to keep January 6 documents from House committee  


Global Research - Official US and EU data confirm alarming numbers of deaths and permanent paralysis as well as other severe side effects from the experimental mRNA vaccines. It is now clear that we are being asked to be human guinea pigs in an experiment that could alter the human gene structure and far worse.  
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More, HERE.


Global Research - As thousands of civilian contractors and hundreds of soldiers hustled to get out of Afghanistan by August 31 of this year, and as the formerly defeated Taliban began to re-establish their toe hold in the locations they once inhabited, there is one inescapable conclusion one could come to. And I can assure you that after nearly two decades of the U.S. occupation there, over a trillion dollars in military spending, and over 100,000 civilians killed or injured, the first word out of a sane individual’s mouth will not be victory! [2]  

Afghanistan would only be the latest in a series of military accomplishments that have proved expensive both in terms of money and in terms of bloodshed. Iraq has proven to be a disaster where President George W Bush early on declared it victory. They are still at it in Syria ten years after the beginning of the civil war there was initiated with U.S. help. U.S. – led NATO is still failing to set up a neo-colonial government in Libya, an advanced African country turned into a calamity of economic devastation, human rights abuses and gangster rivalry. In Latin America, Maduro is enduring in spite of years of sanctions and a failed attempt to sink the government with one of their sock puppets Juan Guaido.  

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More, HERE.  

Inline image

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Global Research - At the outset of the corona crisis, the number of confirmed cases was abysmally low. 83 positive cases outside China (6.4 billion people), were used to justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency, leading up to the official announcement of a pandemic in March 2020.  



More, HERE.  

Global Research - World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The “climate emergency” is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".  

More, HERE.  

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Global Research - The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis 

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By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 30, 2021 

One year later the WHO retracts. They don't say "We Made a Mistake". It's carefully formulated. While they do not officially deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they recommend RT-PCR "Re-testing" (which everybody knows is an impossibility). 


CNN - This Democrat thinks Joe Biden fundamentally misunderstood his mandate  




Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large  




By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst




El Universal






Global Research- 9/11 Truth: The Mysterious Collapse of WTC Seven .. Why NIST’s Final 9/11 Report is Unscientific and False

[originally published by Global Research in September 2009]  

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At 5:21 in the afternoon of 9/11, almost seven hours after the Twin Towers had come down, Building 7 of the World Trade Center also came down. The collapse of this building was from the beginning considered a mystery. [1]  

The same should have been true, to be sure, of the collapse of the Twin Towers. But they had been hit by planes, which had ignited big fires in them, and many people assumed this combination of causes to be sufficient to explain why they came down.  

But WTC 7 had not been hit by a plane, so it was apparently the first steel-framed high-rise building in the known universe to have collapsed because of fire alone. New York Times writer James Glanz quoted a structural engineer as saying: “[W]ithin the structural engineering community, [WTC 7] is considered to be much more important to understand [than the Twin Towers],” because engineers had no answer to the question, “why did 7 come down?” [2]  

From a purely scientific perspective, of course, there would have been an obvious answer. Scientists, presupposing the regularity of nature, operate on the principle that like effects generally imply like causes. Scientists are, therefore, loathe to posit unprecedented causes for common phenomena. 

By 9/11, the collapse of steel-framed high-rises had become a rather common phenomenon, which most Americans had seen on television. And in every one of these cases, the building had been brought down by explosives in the process known as controlled demolition. From a scientific perspective, therefore, the obvious assumption would have been that WTC 7 came down because explosives had been used to remove its steel supports.

More, HERE


CNN - Biden forges ahead where Trump and Obama failed on infrastructure and Afghanistan  


Analysis by Stephen Collinson  


CNN - California man allegedly confesses to killing his children, refers to QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories  


By Alexandra Meeks, Josh Campbell and Travis Caldwell 

A California man confessed to killing his two young children, allegedly telling an FBI investigator he thought they were "going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," according to a criminal complaint filed Wednesday.  

Matthew Taylor Coleman, a 40-year-old Santa Barbara surfing school instructor, has been charged with foreign murder of US nationals after allegedly taking his 2-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter into Mexico and killing them, according to an affidavit filed as part of a federal criminal complaint and a statement from the US Attorney's Office for the Central District of California.  

Stopped for questioning at the US-Mexico border, Coleman allegedly told investigators he shot the children with a spear fishing gun, then hid their bodies, the affidavit said.

More, HERE


Esquina de la Seguridad en México - Facebook



If new in town, we recommend these videos/ SI VISITA POR PRIMERA VEZ LA CDMX RECOMENDAMOS ESTOS VIDEOS


INTRODUCTION (English language)



















Provincial governments have begun placing orders for domestically produced COVID-19 vaccines as 600 million doses are said to be ready for market in the coming weeks, GRT Radio reports. 


China has three different vaccines in Phase 3 human trials, out of 14 vaccines that have reached this stage worldwide. However, China has been administering the experimental vaccines to high-risk workers, such as front-line medical staff and customs and border personnel, since as early as July in a move that garnered some international criticism.  

Chinese health officials stated in September that they had received approval from the World Health Organization (WHO) for their emergency use program, according to CNN. 

More, HERE.

7 1
genaro garcia luna



By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 12, 2018, Global Research




A Camarena lo ejecutó la CIA, no Caro Quintero (VIDEO)

Revista Proceso

Una historia que parece sacada de una compleja novela de espionaje acaba de estallar en la televisión estadunidense: Enrique Kiki Camarena, el policía de la DEA asesinado en México en febrero de 1985, aparentemente no fue víctima del capo mexicano Rafael Caro Quintero sino de un oscuro integrante de la CIA. Este sujeto fue el encargado de silenciar al agente antinarcóticos por una grave razón: había descubierto que Washington se asoció con el narcotraficante y usaba las ganancias del trasiego de estupefacientes para financiar las actividades de la contrarrevolución nicaragüense.

WASHINGTON (Proceso).- Tres exagentes federales estadunidenses decidieron acabar con un silencio de 28 años y confiaron simultáneamente a este semanario y a la cadena estadunidense Fox News una información “bomba”: Enrique Kiki Camarena no habría sido asesinado por Rafael Caro Quintero –capo que purgó una sentencia por ese crimen– sino por un agente de la CIA. La razón: el integrante de la DEA descubrió que su propio gobierno colaboraba con el narco mexicano en su negocio ilícito.



FBI Most Wanted Fugitive




Conspiracy to Commit Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering; Conspiracy to Kidnap a Federal Agent; Kidnapping of a Federal Agent; Felony Murder of a Federal Agent; Aiding and Abetting; Accessory After the Fact.

The United States Department of State’s Narcotics Rewards Program is offering a reward of up to $20 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Rafael Caro-Quintero






US Intelligence assets in Mexico reportedly tied to murdered DEA agent


ByWilliam La Jeunesse, Lee Ross, Fox News





Mexican drug kingpin behind DEA murder added to FBI most-wanted list 

Staff and agencies in Washington, The Guardian





Former Mexico cartel leader says he did not kill US anti-drugs agent in 1985

 Reuters in Mexico City, The Guardian





A Camarena lo ejecutó la CIA, no Caro Quintero (VIDEO, YOU TUBE)


Por Luis Chaparro y J. Jesús EsquivelProceso





Caso Camarena Contra la CIA, más evidencias

Por J. Jesus EsquivelProceso





Caro Quintero desde la clandestinidad: "Yo no maté a Enrique Camarena"

Por Anabel HernándezProceso






Culture of Safe Travel, Crime & Loss Prevention






INTRODUCTION (English language)











The guide will serve our readers as a supplemental resource by providing our users with cyberbullying stats, a quiz and a printable certificate of completion.
More, HERE.

Internet Safety Tips for Kids and Adults

By Safe Stars



The internet is a great way to connect with friends, go shopping, do business, and find information. In fact, the ways that we can use it increase on a daily business. However, just as in every aspect of life, there are potential risks. Internet scams, fraud, cyber bullying, online predators, and identity theft are all among the potential pitfalls that we face when we connect to the online environment. Thankfully, with a little knowledge, the savvy consumer should be able to easily maneuver around these would-be obstacles.

Internet Scams and Fraud

Some scams are more obvious than others. If a random stranger sends an email promising you great riches if you send them $100, chances are that you will know not to give them the cash. However, there are other types of scams and fraud that can be less apparent.

  • If a friend or family member sends a message saying that they are in trouble and asking for monetary help, confirm that it is actually them before sending the money. There is a chance that their email, Facebook, or other accounts may have been hacked or spoofed. A quick phone call or facetime with your friend should help verify if it is really them. To learn more about this type of scam, visit the Federal Trade Commission at


  • If the government emails, leaves a notice on your computer, or calls demanding money, do not give them your information or money. Real government officials will send a notice by mail. If you still aren’t sure, you can look up their official telephone number and contact them directly to confirm. Do not use your computer to look up the information if you may have a virus. The virus could spoof the official telephone number of the office you are trying to reach. To learn more about this type of fraud, visit Stop Fraud Colorado at


  • Before making an online purchase, always check to see if the site is actually secure. It should contain an https (http) at the beginning of the URL. Also, confirm that the website is actually the one that you intended to go to, and that it is not a clone with a similar or spoofed URL. If it is a smaller company or one you are still somewhat unfamiliar with, check their online rating. You can do this by visiting the Better Business Bureau ( or any number of consumer feedback and ratings websites such as  Consumer Affairs (


  • When utilizing online auctions or other multi-seller markets, check the seller’s feedback rating and keep payments within the system. Do not agree to pay someone with a different method. This will make it much harder to be reimbursed if an item never arrives or is not what you were expecting. To learn more about how to protect yourself at both online and offline auctions, visit Michigan’s Attorney General’s Office at,4534,7-164-17337_20942-192869–,00.html.

To learn more about online scams and fraud, visit the FBI at and at

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying and harassment can be just as devastating as real bullying. While teens are often a target, it can happen to anyone. Cyber bullying may take the form of harassment, stalking, impersonation, trickery, and threats. If you experience cyber bullying, there are four primary steps to take:

More, HERE.

It’s no secret that cyberbullying is on the rise. In fact, over one-third of teens say that they’ve been cyberbullied, but because many youths don’t openly admit to being bullied, that number could actually be much greater.


While no one who spends time online socially is immune to cyberbullying, young people are perhaps the most vulnerable, and it’s up to the adults in their lives to help protect them. With all of this considered, may I ask you to add the information below to one of your online safety resource pages? Each of these articles thoughtfully discusses ways we can protect kids and teens from online predators.

How Can Adults Learn About Cyberbullying, Prevention, and Policies to Enforce Safe Cyber Climates?

Cyberbullying: Spotting The Signs

Why Spying On Our Kids To Solve Cyberbullying Might Not Work

How to Keep Social Media A Positive Influence

An Anti-Cyberbullying Toolkit for Educators

The Psychological Effects of Bullying on Kids & Teens


Above information is courtesy by Jasmine Dyoco,


Should you have questions about these articles please write to the following email address:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


November 14, 2014.

By Maria Guadalupe Vera Bobadilla, Security Corner in Mexico's Business Adviser 




If before the crisis there were cases of fraud, they have been increased in recent months.

The embezzlement is the most common type of economic crime, followed by those related to corruption and accounting fraud, which shows highest growth in the past two years.

When more than 1 in 3 organizations are impacted by economic crime, how to handle this type of crime becomes a priority on the CEO agenda.

In these times of severe economic difficulties, it is advisable for companies to bear in mind the following three considerations:

1. Delimit authorization levels. - Studies show that more than 56% of people who commit fraud work in the organization affected. The proper segregation of duties and division of responsibilities and levels of authority is considered a trite subject, causing many employers do not give due importance.

2. Establish complaints channels. - About 48% of economic crimes in Mexican organizations are discovered by accident, which reveals that the systems in place to detect fraud are not entirely efficient. Although establish internal audit is useful, have an anonymous reporting line takes an interesting way, being a source of valuable information to detect fraud within the organization.

3. Regularly evaluate monitoring and supervision controls. - Entrepreneurs often underestimate future risks of fraud by consider unlikely that their organization be a victim of crime, often occasioned by the false security provided by certain measures of prevention and control adopted; however when compare their estimations with the reality,the reported cases of fraud outweigh their considerations. 

Although it is important to implement preventive and detection measures, their effectiveness should be evaluated constantly, especially since in recent years, almost half of the economic frauds that the organization have suffered are the cybercrime.

Source: Economic Crime Survey 2014 by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

© 2014 PwC. All rights reserved.

A Guide to Public Wifi Security Risks & How to Use it SafelyA Guide to Public Wifi 




Our connection to the internet has had a huge impact on how we operate as a global society. It’s drawn the world closer together, and made it easier than ever to research, absorb and relay information at the click of a button.There are hundreds of fantastic things we can thank the World Wide Web for. But, sadly, that doesn’t mean it isn’t without fault.

There’ll always be people who try to exploit the naivety or recklessness of others. That sad state of affairs extends to cyberspace. Criminals will often try to intercept sensitive data over wifi networks – and there’s no better place to try that than on (often unguarded) public servers.

More, HERE.


Security Corner offers  International Visitors a unique free service: Staying SAFE, in Mexico, promoting the Culture of Crime Prevention. Our monthly column is recommended by the Washington Post and more than 20 of the most prestigious newspapers specialized Travel magazines in the world. Should you or your company or organization wish to Sponsor what we do for the Community, we would be more than happy to place your Name, Company or Organization LOGO in our Home Site. Please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Supporters will gain invaluable visibility of more than 1 million virtual visitors a year, combined with

We do not represent any commercial, political or governmental interests. Security Corner in Mexico's credibility is paramount: our only concern is your personal safety.

The government is quick to stamp out any untoward incidents  considering the tourism industry provides such a huge economy for the nation. Colonial towns and beach resorts have low crime rates and the local residents are friendly and welcoming towards foreigners.

Reports of drug-related violence in Mexico are accurate although this occurs mainly in the border region with fatalities exclusively between police authorities and the cartels.

Large, urban centers do have higher crime rates than smaller towns, but like travelling in any major city in the word it's a question of using your common sense and avoiding certain areas.

Tribute to Mexican Navy

In foreign lands accusations are made against Mexico’s police and military forces for engaging in corrupt practices, a fact we cannot deny. Corruption is an ailment common to all societies in the world, more so in countries where Public Health problems are a serious issue. In the case of the Mexican Navy, little credit is given to the heroic actions of men and women who risk their lives assisting a large sector of society. Recently, the Mexican Navy came to the rescue of the impoverished people in southeastern Mexico –mostly peasants – for natural disaster relief efforts. A brief review is made of the Mexican Navy's history and relevant school programs. A special tribute is rendered to these officers. Thanks to the Mexican Navy’s support, we provide valuable, revealing information about their quiet work in the War against Drugs.

Weapon Permits

Mexico’s National Defense Secretariat (SEDENA)’s assistance was invaluable to prepare this article. You are provided with detailed information about the Federal Law covering this issue and firearms possession. This article was requested by one of our readers who asked my opinion about private citizens being authorized to carry firearms as part of their duties in private security companies.

These corporate organizations specialize in executive protection and engage in kidnapping investigations and  negotiation for the release of hostages. SEDENA provides Security Corner readers with precise information about this Subject of discussion. In what concerns to the use of Tasers (defined as an electroshock weapon) the Dirección General de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos has informed us that permits to carry these are not being issued. Further, that Tasers must be declared at military inspection points, for confiscation purposes. 

SEDENA does not authorize Mexican citizens or visiting foreigners the importation or utilization of these weapons, which may be lethal.

Peligra licencia de uso de armas en SSPDF

Militarization of the police, rather than bolster law and order, has helped undermine it.



Natural disasters have made history by the unprecedented number of human lives lost. On the other hand, material losses are incalculable not only in Mexico but all over the world. In this article we are able to share extremely useful information, thanks to assistance provided by the National Center for Disaster Prevention, better known by its initials CENAPRED. This is an organization that works under the umbrella of the Secretariat of the Interior, National Autonomous University (UNAM) and with the auspices of the Japanese Government. Mr. Damon Darlin, columnist of The New York Times gives us details on How to Prepare for one Really Quick Getaway – for practical use at home, school, work. Links are provided to obtain Trainers Certification by FEMA and relevant universities in the US. La Jornada newspaper also provided valuable support.

Correctional System and Human Rights

International Organizations such as Rights Watch accuse Mexico of being a world leader in deficiencies in its justice system and for systematically violating the human rights of detainees. We take a superficial look at the Global reality before addressing this problem in Mexico. We requested assistance from the Public Safety Secretaries both Federal and Mexico City’s. In the first instance, we never got a reply. The Mexico City Government authorized us through its Prison System Directorate to provide us with important statistical information. Further, we were able to visit one of the penitentiaries where we witnessed diligent work performed both by responsible officers such as custodians, sociologists, religious, human rights and non profit organizations, school teachers, inmates.

To supplement information, these recent articles will enhance our readers standpoint on the issues of Jails and Human Rights in Mexico: The first three by Proceso magazine, a champion in influential, documented information in Mexico, reports in its 1701 issue dated June 7, 2009, the latter by prestigious El Universal newspaper:

'The Horror of Mexican Prisons' by Rodrigo Vera: TRANSLATION by 

"In a study on the nation's prisons, the Mexican Episcopate deduces that penitentiary policies are based on criminalizing the poor, as well as the monetary exploitation of inmates by federal, state and Federal District officials.They create a vicious circle of corruption and social resentment that increases crime, makes it necessary to build more prisons, and thereby helps with the formation of new criminals….Calculations are that 2 million people are involved in this type of "prison experience."The growing criminalization of the poor has caused explosive overpopulation in the nation's prisons, since a large percentage of their inmates are arrested for committing "starvation" crimes, as those perpetrated due to hunger and misery are called. Spanish Version Reproduced by El Mexicano Gran Diario Regional newspaper.

In the topic of Human Rights, two revealing articles: Ricardo Ravelo's KIDNAPPINGS Military Sttyle (Spanish): Allegedly, military officers have kidnapped in Piedras Negras and other town of Coahuila State several persons demanding millionaire ransoms. The delay or negative to pay will result in the execution of the kidnapped. This is what occurred to Iván Zulkin González, whose family recovered his remains in ashes. Local authorities refuse to accept the complaints of kidnappings and will only accept these until the corpses show up. More, reproduced by leftist website Resistencia Va!, HERE. TORTURE Military Style (Spanish) by Gloria Leticia Diaz : Written testimony by 25 Tijuana municipal cops provide details about the manner in which their supervisores turned them in to the military. These, via torture, forced to sign self-incriminating statements. Relatives of the detainees have approached the Inter American Commission of Human Rights and the UN's Special Relator about their story.  More thru En Linea Directa info, HERE.

Report to slam nation's prison system, by ALEJANDRO SUVERZA/EL UNIVERSAL
El Universal, Domingo 25 de febrero de 2007.

The nation´s prisons are "human storehouses where rehabilitation is unthinkable," according to a soon-to-be released report by the non-governmental organization Open Society Institute (OSI).

FEATURED ARTICLES: Click HERE for a selection of topics edited by

Mexico City Airport


Traveling by plane is one of the safest (and fastest) methods of getting from point A to point B, but crowded airports, long waits at security checkpoints and baggage restrictions can make flying a nightmare when you have a disability.


With the help of legislation and strong advocacy, airlines and airports are making it more accessible for travelers with disabilities. We’ve created a fully accessible guide to help you navigate the airports, with tips and tricks to make flying with a disability an easier, more enjoyable process.


Airport Security 


Driving in Mexico City

Photo Credit

You decided to rent a car? Live here and own one? You will be surprised that despite the incredibly large number of cars circulating 24-hours a day, though at nights the number is reduced dramatically, not that many serious accidents take place. Why? Most people drive here offensively. If you are not used to drive as most taxi or bus drivers do, always make sure you drive on the defensive. Especially so, if armored security guards carrying money, shotguns in hand ready to open fire or chase cars with aggressive armed bodyguards come across your path. Are you familiar with the No Circula (do not circulate) law in Mexico City? Know what to do in case your car is towed away by the police? What to do if you left your car without enough money for the public parking meter and now your wheels are locked. Aware of Alcoholmeter inspections? Speeding tickets? Basic rules you should be aware of if you rent, own a car.

Recommended READING: Miami Tops Road Rage List for Second Year

Automobile Accidents

Hopefully you are only reading this column as a precautionary step in the remote event you have an automobile accident in Mexico. We leave each morning from home with the idea that such a horrible thing won’t happen to us. However, it is always best to think ahead than try to come to problem solving at the last minute in dramatic circumstances. This article contains extremely valuable information about the do’s and don’ts in Emergency Situations on the road or in a large cosmopolitan place as Mexico City. This informative package is designed to copy it, place it in your gloves compartment. Never leave home without it! Emergency numbers provided include the entire Mexican Republic.

Residential Security & Domestic Employees

Looking for a place to stay comes next with your personal safety in mind made easy: a goal should be combining your comfort and safety. Transportation will be an issue in your new place, also your children’s school. Earthquakes are a reality in Mexico that no one should ignore. 10 basic recommendations to consider BEFORE you move in your place: lighting, grill work, continued electrical supply in the event of blackouts, alarms, cellular phone and radio communication, proper insurance coverage, police, fire, medical emergency phone numbers and security guards.. a very delicate issue. Extreme caution is recommended. You will be responsible for the selection of Domestic Employees. This article with basic rules is a MUST for new arrivals or if you are in the process of finding a new home.


Parents must be responsible for this important task: the screening, selection of your your domestic employees. May I remind you that school teachers, the policeman around the corner nor your building attendant or security guard in your neighborhood are charged with the obligation to inculcate in our children good habits that begin at home such as the Culture of Prevention and Safe Travel.

This learning process begins at an early age, at home. Drug addiction, crime, lies are problems that can be easily detected and prevented if we only assume our role as responsible parents. The concept of family values in a country like Mexico does work, unlike in so-called First World countries where men and women become independent from their parents at an early age. If we at home are used to lying, being hypocritical these problems sooner or later will be reflected in those we love the most: our children. By then, it will be too late.

Children's Security 

Children are exposed –like never before- to an incredible array of problems as result of global economic problems.

 courtesy by the Federal Public Safety Secretariat (PFP)

Also because of new communication technologies such as the Internet. Mexico does not escape to the sad reality: international well- organized criminal gangs go around the planet sequestering kids for the sick mind of those who prey on them as sexual objects. The MEXICO CITY P. D. is also busy putting together –via Internet- a new page that contains pertinent, useful information provided to kids -in their own language- about Personal Protection, Traffic Safety, other topics. Learn what the LAPD recommends to better protect your child and what Security Corner –with 35 years experience- to make your children feel safer in Mexico, to include your teenage kids.

Cells, texting give predators secret path to kids, CNN story

01/11/08 11:57 AM, EST

It's happened again. A teacher is accused of having sex with a student and, like many times before, cell phone calls and texting reportedly had a role in sexually abusing a minor.

Violence in Schools

Finnish college gunman kills 10: 9/23/08

Finland in mourning after fatal school shooting: 11/08/2007

México has become a different country after 9/11. Not only our streets have been flooded with drugs, cities ridden with violence that represents a serious challenge to the future of this nation, but now our schools are also a major concern to us as parents. It is not possible to take any preventive actions in private or public schools in Mexico without first taking into consideration what is occurring globally in terms of the multi billion dollar illicit market of drugs and its influence in our society. Every year we receive thousands of North American students (Spring Breakers) who pack international resort areas. These places have become the stage of a Chicago-like killing scenario where gangsters –in this case drug traffickers- are at war with each other since these tourists are drug consumers and represent an excellent clientele they fight for in what they see as their exclusive territory. Year after year these young men and women end up getting in legal trouble, despite official warnings issued by the State Department. We analyze school shootings in the US, youth gangs and survey what is happening in Mexico City, starting in the Tlatelolco area and recent developments of a violent case that shocked the city of Monterrey.

The latest: Virginia Tech Massacre, by CNN

Mexico City Banking and Industrial Police (PBIDF)

The PBI began operations in September 1940 with 21 officers. On December 4, 1941 they officially became The Banking Police. Its founder was Col. Arturo Godínez Reyes, a visionary who spent most of his life creating what is now known as the PBI. Itis not a corporation, rather it is a branch of the Mexico City Police Department that is officially authorized to carry firearms. The Supplementary Police is formed by the Mexico City’s Industrial and Banking Police. Its roles include keeping public order, protecting citizens, crime prevention, and intervention in civilian disorder. It assists in the investigation and punishment of crime, and assists all citizens in the case of natural disasters and other contingencies. However, its most relevant role is to provide security services, surveillance and specialized protection to a great diversity of private organizations within Mexico City and its immediate boundaries. These include: Service Industries, Banks, Industries, Businesses, and Government installations.

The Auxiliary Division of the Mexico CIty PD was created by Presidential Decree on February 21, 1941 as published in the Official Bulletin of March 13 of same year.


Provide high-quality services to protect personal integrity and private property of official Mexican Government installations. Further,  provide same services to the private industry, residential properties, businesses, massive public events. We are of supplementary support to the Mexico City Police Department.

In-house Protection

Private protection of businesses, depending of service contracted this may cover responsibility 24/7 all year long.

External Protection

We can provide protective support -privately- in areas beyond the boundaries of private property, namely anywhere in Mexico City, anytime.

Custody of Valuables

Armed personnel in plainclothes to protect the transportation of valuables which can be accomplished in our official vehciles or in those provided by the client.

Executive Protection

This will be provided both in-house or when leaving premises. Our officers are specifically trained in personal defense, use of firearms in extreme circumstances.


Officers receive special training to tailor your needs in crime prevention, the use of technical communication.

Support to all Citizens

We serve the public in community assignment in coordination with the Mexico City PD, specifically in crime prevention in banks, county offices and other areas of risk.

Information Service, Contracts, Tel.: 55-41-56-91, EMail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Community Assignments (Public Sector), Tel. & Fax: 55-47-20-70, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Private Protection, Contacts, Tel. 55-41-34-48 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Quotations, Fax.: 55-47-20-60, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


55-47-57-20, 22, 23 & 24 


They have been operating since 1887. The total number of fallen heroes since then: 81 (eighty one) is minimal when comparing statistics of other cities and countries. Mexico City’s FD became independent from the City Police and now they work directly under the command of Mexico City’s Mayor. The estimated number of persons under their protection is a little more than 12 million. They must coordinate emergencies with neighboring states which in 2007 would add a total of 12 million more. For the Federal District alone, they have a total human resource in the range of 1,274 ready to jump in their emergency vehicles, 150 of these are female officers. Their equipment consists of 146 vehicles, 12 mobile pumps, 6 telescopic ladder trucks, 25 water tanks, 21 FD emergency cars, 25 pick up trucks, 5 panels, 4 speed boats, 8 buses, 2 tow trucks, 8 rescue units, 7 to contain dangerous chemicals.

Photo Credit: Mexico City Slums

Areas to Avoid
In January 2007 Security Corner is appearing in yet one more NEW  ARTICLE by the Washington Post, thanks to International Travel reporter Gary Lee.
This time, about the areas as a foreign visitor you should avoid in Mexico City, based on this report. A city of the size of the Federal District in 2007 with a population of more than 22 million inhabitants (to include the neighboring State of Mexico area) obviously has Crime-Ridden areas that as a visitor or temporary resident you should identify and make SURE you stay away from.
Areas to Avoid

25 Areas Identified as Most Prone to Crime in Mexico City

(article dated 7/29/09 in Spanish by El Universal newspaper)

Mexico City


A city of the size of the Federal District obviously has Crime-Ridden areas that you want to avoid. We are not the only ones in the world. Every major city anywhere you go has places you ought to try to stay away from to prevent you from becoming a victim. Efforts are made by some segments of the government, religious and civil organizations to allow residents in these areas to become part of the rest of the Community by providing them with altruist functions. Lots needs to be done soon to establish effective and far reaching social programs. Only strong and committed political leadership will prompt more participation by the private sector. Mexico has some of the wealthiest men and women who inhabit this planet, yet –sadly- not enough evidence is seen they see this problem as a priority. These are issues that will influence this year’s presidential elections. If you are new in the city, buy a map, get to know the city you live in. Ask your office colleagues, neighbors, friends about the areas where it is best to keep a distance from. Mark them on that map and plan your routes –whether by car, subway or any other means of transportation- accordingly. We will provide you in this article important information.


N E W : The Kidnapping Empire (in Spanish), 'Virtual kidnappings' in Mexico exploit very real fears by the Herald Tribune, April 29, 2008

"Touring Amid a City's Turmoil: In Mexican Capital, Experts' Safety Tips Are Put to the Test." 

Latest information available reflects that despite the horror stories we read in the press about kidnappings in Mexico, a country with a population estimated in 109 million inhabitants in 2007, according to the Mexico City Attorney General's Office during period 2000 to 2008 a TOTAL of 1,348 were victims of kidnappings. In 2007 a total of 112 were reported and in the neighboring state of Mexico, 347. According to article El Imperio del Secuestro by José Antonio Ortega, the National System of Public Safety (SNSP) reported 435 cases in 2007, the Federal  Preventive Police (PFP) reported 1,017 cases documented. This includes ALL variations of this illicit activity, such as kidnapping express, the so called Levantón and the payment for the release of a hostage. In the case of the Mexico City judicial police -much more active in this critical criminal activity, from the standpoint of investigations- as of  the last six years in 2007 had sent to prison a total of 938 kidnappers. Of these, 12 % were women: 114. Further, up to 2007 our federal Public Safety Secretary - Ing. Genaro Garcia Luna - Mexico's FBI or Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) had a TOTAL of  80 (eighty) cases documented.  In the State of Nuevo Leon, kids from well-to-do families from their local, private Universidad de Monterrey recently were found to be responsible of involvement in kidnappings, desperate for easy, fast money. In one of these two cases drugs were believed as part of their motives.

We should not compare, still: UNRESOLVED Kidnappings, Missing Person Investigations in the United States, a country with about 300,533,597 inhabitants in 2006. Parental Kidnappings.

Kidnapping Part 1

The easiest approach is to blame Mexico’s corrupt police forces for their incompetence in dealing with the growing concern about the current situation. It is important to seriously analyze the Global Context –in the area of kidnappings - before sadly declaring Mexico as a world leader in this crime. Most common types of cases are: Parental kidnapping, express kidnapping, organized crime kidnapping of the rich and famous, increasing number of common people’s kidnapping in all areas of the country by people known to them looking for fast, easy money, reporters being “lifted” from the streets by drug thugs to harass torture or kill them, and the newest thing: virtual kidnapping.

Kidnapping Part 2

A careful review of this problem reveals that alarmist warnings about kidnapping has brought Big Business to Mexico. Especially so, since the implementation of NAFTA. Private security firms offering protection multiply in this country and Latin America. In Mexico alone this is an industry that in 2004 was worth more than US $ 1,000 million and every day keeps on growing. For sale are from armored limousines and clothing to sophisticated satellite-tracking devices, CC TV monitors controlled from your laptop computer. Private negotiators for the release of hostages make big money, make their living from the others’ suffering and pain, as sad as it sounds. The Federal and Mexico City governments have seasoned, well-trained kidnapping investigators and citizens must give them the opportunity to prove their expertise. Press ought to assist in the process of allowing police to regain lost trust, confidence in a dignified manner, instead of creating a model of inefficiency when cases are not resolved. Eight points to make this problem manageable by the government of Mexico are reviewed.


A Culture of Violence: A country that glorifies wars and violence in the name of peace, by Stephen Lendman, Article dated Sept. 26, 2007

Violent Crime Up For Second Year: Some Point to Cuts in Federal Funding

By Dan Eggen, Washington Post Staff Writer, Saturday, June 2, 2007; Page A01

The number of violent crimes in the United States rose for a second straight year in 2006, marking the first sustained increase in homicides, robberies and other serious offenses since the early 1990s, according to an FBI report to be released Monday.

Once again, economic, sociological conditions are not the same within Mexican law enforcement agencies than in so-called First World countries, still, I invite you to explore each link:  The reality in the United States of America involving murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault: Violent crime. Welcome to the FBI's statistics.

WAR in the streetsGangs in the USA: in Los Angeles, only in California gangs have divided the state in two criminal territories: Norteños ("northerners") and SureñosNew York, Washington, D. C.,Detroit streets shootouts, Chicago, Ill., and Miami only to mention a few problem areas. International: Rise of VIOLENT CRIME in England and WalesLondon, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Africa, 2005 civil unrest in France, Vigilante expats take on Spain's gangs, Ecuador. Mara Salvatrucha and connections to Central America. 

 Violent Crime in Mexico

A 10-page well-documented, investigative report allows you to assess this hot topic. 

Information provided concludes that Mexico’s Losses in the Fight Against Drugs has been enormous and that more joint international cooperation is necessary by law enforcement in the three countries signatory of NAFTA to enhance Public Safety efficiency. Mexico is a growing Community for North American Expatriates, currently estimated close to 1 million. With more than 76 million Baby Boomers retiring within the next 20 years this number of U. S. and Canadians moving to Mexico will increase significantly. Article analyzes –to detail- Violent Crime in Mexico and provides Crime Prevention rules that may save your life, in case of emergency. Useful websites that will make your stay more enjoyable, safer are also provided.


2004 U. S. State Department's Report on Human Rights Practices, Performance by Security Forces in Mexico:

"Corruption, inefficiency, disregard of the law, and lack of training are major problems. Military personnel and police officers committed human rights abuses. Courts continued to admit as evidence confessions extracted under torture. Impunity remained a problem among the security forces. Alleged police involvement, especially at the state level, in narcotics-related crime, continued, and police corruption and inefficiency hampered investigations.." The complete report, HERE.

Widely publicized incidents involving allegations of wrong-doing, disgrace, or moral outrage in American Society, from the 1700s to Date in: Politics, AcademicsCorporate Practices, Sex, Journalism, Sports, with "gate" suffix, Televangelist. Sex in the Catholic Church, Olympic games. In AUSTRALIA, BELGIUMUNITED KINGDOM, CANADA, CHILE, FRANCE, GERMANY, INDIA, ITALY, SOUTH AFRICA.

Police corruption in Mexico  -so legendary by the international media- is not exclusive to this country. For example, FBI Stand on Public Corruption, NYPD undercover agents fired 50 shots to kill Sean Bell and no one has been charged. 2006 International Corruption Perceptions Index, remember Operation Casablanca?, Testimony by Celerino Castillo, FBI Busts Bad Chicago Cops, American police officers dealing drugs, in human rights violations, THIS week's cases, BAD Cops. International ScenarioAustralia, United Kingdom, CANADA.

This information service comes to you thanks to

Cornell Law School

Corruption exists just about every where: in the United Nations, in political circles, campaign financing in the US


Worlwide electoral frauds, 2006 Mexico Elections by Wilson Center, Narco News Watching the Observers.. etc

.. even in the Defense Department.

Security 1: Corruption La Mordida (The Bribe) Style

The main detraction of Mexico City is its crime, a topic that will be discussed on its own. In reference specifically to the City, street crime and kidnappings fill the inhabitants with fear on a daily basis. The author of this short article is our Chairman, who at one time served as an adviser to the Mexico City PD.

Security 2

A brief set of guidelines that include Mexico City airport, street and home security precautions, a word on Kidnappings, Medical Emergencies, driving on highways, Mexico – U. S. border, Chiapas State, international resorts areas, seismic and volcanic activity. The ideal thing to have if you do not like to spend too much time reading.

Subway, PART 1


One of our readers in London, England requested us to write about the subway system in Mexico City, otherwise known as the Metro. A growing number of users is people tired of fighting the traffic who want to save money in expensive parking lots, want to exercise, walking up & down. Ideal form of transportation whether you are a teacher, student, housewife or someone who does not feel like taking a taxi or drive your own car. Because it is cheap, the demand for use is very high. Take note. Hours of operation: from 5 AM to midnight Monday to Friday. 6 AM to midnight on Saturday. 7 AM to midnights on Sunday. Your subway ticket costs $ 2 pesos (about $ US .20 CENTS!!). Senior citizens with INSEN identification and Handicapped Users ARE EXEMPT from payment. Article contains recommendations from a personal protection standpoint. If arriving to Mexico City via bus, you may want to print it to prepare you BEFORE arrival to any of our 4 bus central stations. All connect to the subway, the airport included.

Subway, PART 2

If you use the Metro regularly, Congrats! Many stories can be told about the every day life underground or on the surface as this is one of the most efficient massive forms of communication in the world. However, one of the problems encountered is during peak hours (M-F: 7-10 AM, 1-2 PM and 6-8 PM), when the system gets really congested. By heart we know how hard it is to take your subway car during rush hours. To prevent this, leave early: women, children, handicapped ride in special sections. How nice, fast, comfortable it is at other times. The many stands that sell every imaginable merchandise, food, make it a colorful, active environment. At the same time you need to increase alertness entering or departing each station. This is an addendum to part 1 of this series. A total of 14 stations are identified as being prone to security problems. Now, we also include the Newest Mode of Massive Transportation: Metrobus. While at first it began with a series of complications, seems like as we advance in getting familiar with it, we find it safe and reliable. Those of us who live in a huge city -as the Federal District is- have learned that planning our moves well ahead of time, by leaving home EARLY to avoid congestion during peak hours will make our lives much easier. This includes commuting by car.

T i p

Everytime you arrive in the waiting line, look for the LESS congested area, normally one of the two extreme ends. During PEAK Hours, the police guard  these reserved areas for: women, the handicapped and children. When you see the subway car approaching keep in mind you have 10 seconds for opening/closing time. In addition, should someone block the door, additional time is given until it is safe to proceed. Instead of entering by violently pushing others when you stand in congested points risking an accident in peak hours, with time -practicing- you'll learn how to find, by jumping from door to door, a more pleasant place or at least get a .. space for you. The same principle applies to the metrobus.



Nueva cromática para taxis del DF


24/7 service by radio: tel. 5514-7709, (same first 4 digits) 7861, 8074, 8124, Complaints, suggestions? M-F 12PM-4PM Tel. no. 55142850. Serving DEL VALLE, CUAUHTEMOC, CONDESA, POLANCO, REFORMA IZTACCIHUATL, CHURUBUSCO, JARDIN BALBUENA, COYOACAN, LINDAVISTA, SAN JOSE INSURGENTES, POPOTLA, SAN PEDRO DE LOS PINOS, where bases are located.

According to well-documented Televisa's Susana López Peña article (available in Spanish language only) effective on June 1, 2009 ALL Mexico City taxis will have a new look, as pictured above. Everytime we make reference to "green roving taxis" please apply the new chromatic adjustment. More information in the link

in Mexico City

Depending on the distance you cover, most bus rides cost you about $ 3 pesos or $ .30 US cents!! Again, more than a few foreign nationals regularly utilize this cheap way of commuting in one of the largest metropolis in the world. Some of these temporary residents are teachers working or students enrolled in local universities. Also frequent users are backpackers who arrive at any of the 4 large bus stations. You can become a regular user of Mexico City public transportation system, safely, by following our recommendations.

Ver imagen en tamaño completo





Photo by El Universal newspaper



Mexico City has a total of 100 routes by buses, peseras (normally VW vans), electrically operated buses and streetcars. All these vehicular units, combined, are what constitutes RTP or the city's Passenger Transport Network. This net covers 3,061 kilometers' distance, within the Federal District jurisdiction's geographical boundaries. This is the second installment on the Subject of Public Transportation, per request by our readers in the United Kingdom.



Acapulco's population is estimated to be of 1.5 million. The number of international visitors that come to Acapulco regularly speaks for itself. Any week, about six ships bring an average of 2,000 tourists each, if not more. In addition, during the peak season some 3,000 weekly arrive by plane, car or bus. Despite a recent wave of drug-related violence Acapulco, this continues to be one of Mexico’s favorite international destinations.


Exercising Safely in Mexico City


México City has a large number of beautiful parks, at no cost. All of these are provided with maintenance, services, security by the City Government. A modern bicycle track called Ciclovia or Ciclopista was recently built. By clicking on above link you will travel in the photo gallery from the posh Polanco neighborhood, passing through Chapultepec park, other attractive parts of the city. Foreign residents lose a precious opportunity to enjoy open recreational areas that make México City a popular destination point because of alarmist warnings they receive. If you prefer to exercise behind your hotel walls, in your gym, fine by us. This article will allow you to know options where to go for a run, walk or to jog and do this safely. Our camera below also offers a variety of different locations in Mexico City that will allow you to assess our recommendations.


Mexico City Zoo


Parks (click on Manejo Integral to select location, description in Spanish)

Chapultepec Park, by Wikipedia.


Bicycle Track (CICLOVIA)


Problems with your Bike? Tonino's in Roma is a family business, serving ciclyists since 1940, Monday ro Saturday 11am-7pm at Tonalá 229-7, behind Medellín market, tel. no. 5264-5610. Ask for Gabriel Resendiz. The also work on motorcycles. Another reliable bicycle mechanic's shop is BiciGato, same operating hours at San Francisco 767 in Del Valle, two blocks from Insurgentes Sur, tel. no. 5536-5809. Ask for Julián Martínez or Lic. Norma Angélica Perez Amador. They've been in same line of business for the last ..60 years. Mention They will treat you as Members of the Royalty.

One of the Chapultepec lakes with Casa del Lago at the left and Polanco hotels, residential and offices buildings above it.


ATM Machines and Credit Cards

If caught inside an ATM machine anytime (day or night) and alone, criminals do not have to use any means of transportation to attack you or catch you by surprise. All they have to do is use circumstances to their advantage. If you follow the simple, basic rules of self-protection as outlined in Security Corner, it will allow you to carry on with your day-to-day routine without any complications.

Earthquake 1


Mexico is located in a zone of high levels of seismic activity. We are part of the same St. Andrews fault that begins in Alaska and ends in the South Pole. This is not the only continent that has experienced serious and devastating earthquakes. Other areas of the world have been exposed to the same in the past: The Alps, China, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Russia. UNAM’s National Seismological Studies Center, with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the world help us understand what happened on September 19, 20, 1985 when we had a deadly earthquake that devastated Mexico City.

Earthquake 2


Use our previous article –Part 1- to disseminate the Culture of Loss Prevention. Talk to family, coworkers, members of the Community about the seriousness, massive human lives lost and major property damages during earthquakes. Each building should have a written contingency plan that every occupant in it should be familiar with. Specific recommendations are provided to you by the experts, which may save your life in the event of an earthquake, which may occur anytime.

Minimizing Your Vulnerability

The life style you have may allow you to have a better sense of self- protection. Mexico is a country of extreme contrasts. We have a vast, growing middle class with access to progressive jobs, though after 9/11 we also received a serious recession in our economy, making us no different to many other places in the world. By reducing your visibility you will enhance your personal protection in the street.



In the Express scenario, criminals will hold you at gun-point inside a taxi cab that you hailed down from the street. They will beat you up mercilessly, if you resist. They work against the clock by forcing you to withdraw money from your credit card, whisking you from one ATM to another. The number one recommendation given to you is never, repeat, NEVER use street taxi cabs, usually green VW beetles. More useful information in this article.

Tips on Dealing with Taxi Drivers in Mexico City


This article is intended to be of service not only to guests of major hotels in Mexico, but also to owners, business partners and financiers of an industry which is extremely attractive since this country offers so many advantages. Among others, to have kept a distance from terrorist incidents, result of an adequate political move calculated to have this effect. According to official and private organizations, the amount of money invested to date in this industry is in the neighborhood of 16 BILLION dollars. It’s anybody’s guess the amount invested in security. The intelligence world is measured in terms of governments’ preparedness to alert their counterparts efficiently to take prudent preventive measures. A review is made of incidents that massively took the lives of vacationers in other areas of the world, to learn from theses lessons. Mexico is a favorite touristic destination for mostly North Americans and Europeans but we also have visitors from many other parts of the world 365 days each year, especially during the winter, because of its benign weather.


Reference: Heists Targeting Truckers On Rise; Robberies Are "Wreaking Havoc" on U.S. Highways, Endangering Consumers

Cruise Mexico on luxury bus, By Laurence Iliff, The Dallas Morning News.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: During the 2009  Winter Holidays all Mexico City Bus Stations have a satisfactory taxi cab service inside the terminals, EXCEPT Central Norte. If you buy your taxi ride ticket there is no REFUND or ticket returned once you realize one must stand in line for hours before you board your vehicle. It is best to simply enter the clean, efficient, safe subway system or have a family friend, relative pick you up. Do NOT learn the hard way..

Omnibus de Mexico, with departures from Dallas, features movies, snacks and curtained windows on its high-end buses.

Bus Travel 1

Most bus terminals –not only in Mexico – anywhere are located in areas susceptible to crime. Once you make it to the terminal, enter quickly. Keep an eye on your luggage. Avoid traveling at night, if possible. Get the best service (normally more expensive, but still reasonable in pesos) your bus line offers: you will be safer, enjoy a cup of coffee, soda pop or a sandwich and watch a nice movie while your bus is moving. It is always best to get a ride as early in the morning as possible so that you take advantage of sunlight and be in your destination point early as well. While this is not a daily occurrence, assaults do occur in different areas of the country. You are especially encouraged to read this article if you are traveling by bus between Acapulco, Ixtapa, the road that connects Oaxaca City and Huatulco, and between Huatulco and Acapulco. Traveling by bus in Mexico can be a highly enjoyable, economical and efficient experience. However, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding safety.

Bus Travel 2

Most Mexicans travel by bus. About 98% of the population utilize this form of transportation. Before you hit the road it is critical that you plan your trip. Areas in the southeast are currently undergoing major reconstruction after these were devastated by natural disasters in the last few years. The Mexican Secretariat of Transport and Communications (SCT) does a wonderful job by updating their site with information not only useful to bus passengers but car drivers. Only takes you a few minutes to learn this. Also, remember that after you’ve purchased your ticket, you can cancel it, with no cancellation charge, up until 30 minutes prior to the departure time indicated on your ticket. Mexico City serves as the nation’s transportation hub, and so much of the nationwide bus service starts, stops, connects in the D.F.


Legal Notice: Our objective is to be useful to the Community. We have selected information that the Mexican Government and authorities in other countries publicly display. We’ve added valuable opinions of critics, coming from prestigious international media, the United Nations, State Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), law enforcement agencies in other countries, non-profit NGOs, relevant academics to enhance your Global Vision and provide a safer personal environment for you and your Family.

In the process of illustrating our points of view, it was never our intention to violate any legislations, private or commercial interests, governmental programs, intellectual or © copyrights. Much less, to offend anyone. We believe that what Security Corner promotes is beneficial to all those who live in Mexico, regardless of their nationality. All comments, opinions are expressed on good faith. Information contained in free security consultancy services -you requested online- forms part of this Legal Notice. Security Corner provides practical recommendations from a Public Safety, Crime Prevention standpoint that we know do work. We are only trying to serve as a bridge of better understanding between Security Corner readers and authorities committed to providing a service derived from their official functions.

My sincere appreciation to those whose names appear in this column. With their illustration, map, photograph, ideas, text, valuable information and conclusions they have contributed -whether knowingly or not - in this genuine effort to support Mexico, those who live here and visit us. Whenever possible, we requested their consent first. To make sure we comply with our commitment we must criticize constructively, point out areas that the experts agree will enhance our Community. Our respects to those in the private sector – Mexican and foreign- who have invested in our economy. Their money serves the purpose of making a more just place to live in, by opening badly needed jobs, reducing the alarming contrasts we see in Mexico.

Mexico is different to other countries and we require laws, regulations unique to our own reality. It is our duty to inform you that we identify as an institutional mistake to have benefited companies with attributions in what concerns to the executive protection of persons who, as consequence of their affluent position, require these services. Also, to authorize private citizens to carry fire arms publicly to protect other citizens, use of sirens, emergency lights, conduct private investigations of kidnappings, utilization of listening devices –espionage- and in passing make business from human pain. This generated a growing and lucrative industry. Mexican legislators need to act on this immediately, to modify laws that led to this delicate problem. NAFTA should carry an article that reads that the protection of citizens and their properties should be an exclusive responsibility of the government. By modifying these laws –different than in other countries- badly needed financial resources for the administration of all law enforcement agencies will be gained. Security Corner articles do not pursue commercial or political interests. If a product or service is mentioned is because we believe it is in your own benefit. You are not authorized to utilize any part of this informative service for the purpose of business or personal gain. It is you, the reader, for whom this service was created. Thanks to persons like you with their input, messages have contributed to make this a valuable information resource. Welcome to reproduce any part from this Site as long as proper credit be given to this column, if the intent is to spread its contents. This can be done by simply mentioning the name of Security Corner, its author and the virtual location of this Site. This service is completely cost free. There is a modest fee for the longer, more documented articles, containing additional information intended to be of better service to you. All suggestions are welcome. If we made a mistake, we’ll be happy to correct it. English is not my native language. The editor’s department consists of one person alone. Readers have been extremely useful, they are welcome to edit articles. We thank organizations that decided to support this column as a Community Service. These obtain as a benefit significant visibility, if interested. Security Corner is unable to be responsible for services offered or information contained in these.

We are not liable for damages or losses as result of recommendations contained in Security Corner articles. These are based on common sense and you decide in the end what is best, according to circumstances. Our suggestions are based on years of experience in the areas of Public Safety, Crime Prevention. We are unable to assume any responsibility if you report a crime. Security Corner nor Solutions Abroad are authorized to become directly involved in any case. We reserve the right to publish materials and information that in our view meet positive, constructive objectivity to benefit the Community. Should you desire to establish contact with me please write to Mario González-Román: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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DISCLAIMER: The contents of articles in Security Corner in Mexico  are of sole responsibility of the author(s). We will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in such articles. Security Corner in Mexico (SCM) grants permission to cross-post SCM articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Security Corner in Mexico article.


DESLINDE DE RESPONSABILIDAD LEGAL: El contenido de artículos en Esquina de la Seguridad en México es la responsabilidad exclusiva e individual de cada autor. No somos responsables de la veracidad o incorrección de dichos artículos. Esquina de la Seguridad en México (SCM) autoriza la republicación, a través del Internet o redes sociales, de informaciones contenidas en nuestro sitio virtual con la única condición que se habilite el vínculo electrónico al artículo mostrado en SCM, otorgando los derechos de autor al creador original del artículo.


The Frog Story

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./service.svc/s/GetFileAttachment?id=AQMkADAwATE0OTMwLTUwZWEtODgANzUtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADTyy%2F5SXTe0uh885otqDAUwcAs8fmT2WCtk2ig%2FdYo8jr1wAAAgEPAAAAs8fmT2WCtk2ig%2FdYo8jr1wABAG0GhQAAAAESABAA9NTEncZ8bUKjqoMUbcVVhg%3D%3D&X-OWA-CANARY=5_6tV5jjOEiYWMav_8K4XLBafmv41NQYzqiHEcvp-Uj089V9AobBIPLUjetXZfbyvCvZQ7ounGQ.&token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6ImVuaDlCSnJWUFU1aWpWMXFqWmpWLWZMMmJjbyJ9.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.n2u2-k1Ao1gUig6IgdQ0zzJd7cV4YYckvL2-UU18I5jmKZCKn3ZGC4O8S68BUcWaKmjmfi4nv4_qHMoFYNVs6Db6zBPeixYWIYTAyc3PPLfe9jLUMqkCvJwyr6CezqvGFwBnE3FLq8x7-oed10oyEzPqPV2-omcZ4Aihg0Z9ivAK9M4FoxRlL3qGlWYv6wk-NY2g86zc2vKQWCyI5NFCWEeQmV_JFVfRl8mK4EDMObShTtbPr9dI_Jjk27U8rcumumheMDoyVKsR1AMWDNvCV2i2OAK0MW1cr_cBCV5T0n3HkCE_i93PIJdtiYPLx70le3uYoMuXAEhN8oDeF0qroA&" />

The Frog Story

For 28 years Mario González-Román’s business card contained the State Department logo, which included the official American Eagle. When he retired, starting on August 10, 2001, he adopted a Frog as a symbol to represent anything he embarked on, to include his current activities in the private sector. His e-mail address is also identified as This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the story behind the use of this tailless amphibian is, I believe, both fascinating and interesting. The frogs contained on this document are only two designs available in the many Websites that make reference to this smooth-skinned species that live in a damp or aquatic habitat. According to popular belief, Frogs are good omens. They are supposed to bring good luck to their owners, or so Chinese popular assertion goes.

Wood carving of U.S. seal was found bugged at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

Sometime in 1976, I received extensive training by the State Department Security Office (currently, Diplomatic Security Service-DSS) at the Mexican Presidential Military Staff’s Sporting Club (Club Deportivo del EMP) in Mexico City.

The training was tailored to meet the specific requirements of an elite group comprised of selected officers coming from various branches of the military. This program was part of a routine assistance program requested by the Government of Mexico from the United States of America to obtain the best possible security expertise in the protection of dignitaries. The officers in attendance would later form part of the Protective Detail for President-elect José López Portillo. I acted both as a Translator and one more of the students attending such a seminar. I was so active in this long, tiring and intense project that the members of the so-called U. S. Mobile Training Team expressed words of praise to my supervisors for my involvement. I was later presented with the first of 4 Meritorious Honor Awards, received in my career.

Soon after, I began providing assistance to both the Secret Service, Diplomatic Security Service and other law enforcement agencies in their numerous protective assignments when Principals under their jurisdiction visited Mexico. The first one of these high-profile dignitaries was Dr. Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, who came to Acapulco, as a guest of the late Mexican president Miguel Alemán. These visits entailed anticipated, detailed arrangements. Mexican police presence included the EMP, Federal Security Directorate (DFS) – an organization no longer in existence, which had same functions inintelligence information as today’s CISEN-, Federal Highway Patrol –a law enforcement agency that merged into what is today PFP- and the Acapulco City Uniformed Police Department. We would spend an average of 3 weeks ahead of each visit, making sure every detail was met and that no mistakes were made. Our Mexican police counterparts always worked closely with us.

The then Acapulco Chief of Police was impressed with the amount of work involved, to include the use of military Explosive Ordnance sniffing dog (K9) teams, armored limousines, helicopters, support by the U. S. Air Force, Navy, Army, Marines and every federal agency charged with assuring protection of the State Department Secretary, who as an exception then was protected by the Secret Service. Upon the termination of this assignment, the Chief of Police called me into his office. He said he could not believe the amount of preparation, sophisticated technology, logistics and complicated work involved in a visit of this nature in such a tranquil, peaceful resort. I wanted to let you know I have a lot of respect for what you do, the Chief said. He further said, I am a native of the State of Guerrero (where Acapulco is located) and as a token of my appreciation for your support, to my staff and me I would like to present you with a small gift.

I opened a small box and inside came this tiny frog, similar in its design to the larger one used on the first page of this document. I still treasure that old, now rusty frog, quite heavy for its size, made of silver from Taxco. It always sits right next to my computer. My boss then, Mr. William Roche, said no problem, keep it, it’s a nice gift. U. S. Government regulations forbade us to accept gifts to prevent conflict of interest. I brought this tiny frog to my office in Mexico City. I placed it in on top of my desk, where I hoped with time the promised good luck would enhance my goals in life and profession.

In all honesty, I did not pay much attention to such a small piece of decoration. One day, the office I worked for held a surprise birthday party in my honor and among other gifts, I received a cute tie with frogs of different sizes and colors. On another occasion, as a joke, a secretary gave me underwear with frogs, supposed to be worn in intimacy for increased good luck. My counterparts in the Mexican Government, office colleagues and personal friends continued to present me with these gifts. I packed my office with frogs. I had all kinds, singing, jumping, and dancing frogs. All of them, gifts from people who just wanted to wish me luck. I no longer could keep the number of frogs in a department where serious business was conducted. So, I decided to bring my Ranas (Spanish word for Frogs) to my house.

Many sad things did happen to me. I lost my home in the 1985 earthquake, ended my 20-year old marriage, underwent a 4-year divorce, my only son and I went through several horrible tragedies, accidents but we never lost faith in God and good luck was always with us. They were much less painful, thanks to these gracious animals. Also present were the good intentions of the many friends we have. The house where we live currently, located at Minatitlán 12, Colonia Roma, in Mexico City, owned by Chole, RIP, my mother, harbors about 2,000 frogs. We are proud of this symbol and have adopted it in the hope that such Good Luck continues to be present in everything we do.

PS - Was told a story about a lady in the hospital who was near death when an area Chaplain came to visit her. This Chaplain was a very young female with long blond hair. She listened to the lady who was ill and left her a small gift for comfort. It was a tiny ceramic frog. The next day one of the people from the lady's church came to visit. The lady told her friend about the beautiful young Chaplain who had come to visit her. The friend was so impressed with the way the lady had improved and felt the need to talk to the young Chaplain. In her search to find the young gal, she was repeatedly reassured that the chaplains are never very young and that there was never a gal that fit the description given. Upon returning to the lady in the hospital, a visiting nurse entered the room and noticed the ceramic frog. The nurse made the comment "I see you have a guardian angel with you" as she held the little frog. We asked why she made the comment and we were informed that the frog stood for: (F) Fully (R) Rely (O) On (G) God 

Mario González-Román

Lodging for Women Postgraduate Students // Programa de Hospedaje para Mujeres Estudiantes de Postgrado

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English Spoken


El costo por la renta mensual es entre $ 3,500 & 4,500 pesos, con todos los servicios incluídos. Si se interesan, estamos a sus órdenes.

Más información, AQUI



If interested, please let us know. Cost is of $ 3,500 & 4,500 pesos a month, all services included. 

More information, HERE.



Mario González-Román

Security Corner
Galería Presidencial
Diversión y Entretenimiento:

Experts' Safety Tipsand Q&AAdvisory

Tel./Fax 0115215574-5228, cell 011521(55) 5436-5137